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Trump Delivers Again....


on the agenda Christians are interested in. He has officially directed the Pentagon to back off the transgender initiatives that Obama directed!

Another win for Christians who wisely chose Trump over Hilary and are being rewarded by having their policy preferences executed by the executive branch!

on the agenda Christians are interested in. He has officially directed the Pentagon to back off the transgender initiatives that Obama directed!

Another win for Christians who wisely chose Trump over Hilary and are being rewarded by having their policy preferences executed by the executive branch!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch people scratch their heads trying to figure out what happened to rapid, simultaneous, repeal and replace for their health insurance plans. Where they piss is important but where they get their pisser fixed if it's broke is even more important. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch people scratch their heads trying to figure out what happened to rapid, simultaneous, repeal and replace for their health insurance plans. Where they piss is important but where they get their pisser fixed if it's broke is even more important. :rolleyes:

Classic lame attorney at distraction by the idiot boy. The president has the time to do and should do many things. It's up to the Congress to put something good in terms of healthcare on his desk. If they do he will sign it. So just calm down and bask in the realization that Trump the guy YOU wanted to be prez is delivering on the Christian agenda! :D

Classic lame attorney at distraction by the idiot boy. The president has the time to do and should do many things. It's up to the Congress to put something good in terms of healthcare on his desk. If they do he will sign it. So just calm down and bask in the realization that Trump the guy YOU wanted to be prez is delivering on the Christian agenda! :D

Nov 9, 2016, Donald Trump on the Jimmy Fallon Show:
Trump argued that his greatest strength is finding common ground between seemingly disparate interests.
“I really unify and bring people together,” he said. "A lot of people would say the exact opposite. I can really bring people together. I get along with people, always gotten along with people. I get along with Democrats, with Republicans, with liberals, with conservatives. That’s what we need in this country — to bring it together. It is very divided.”

Trump also joked about his appearance while offering a personal biography for those unfamiliar with him.
“I have a beautiful head of hair,” he quipped. "I’m an extraordinarily handsome person.”

He wasn't even paying attention during the House attempt and he vastly underestimated what was needed for the Senate version - and we wonders why? He does what? Brings people together saying a Senator who spent 5 years in a prison wasn't a hero? You have to be joking.

Nov 9, 2016, Donald Trump on the Jimmy Fallon Show:
Trump argued that his greatest strength is finding common ground between seemingly disparate interests.
“I really unify and bring people together,” he said. "A lot of people would say the exact opposite. I can really bring people together. I get along with people, always gotten along with people. I get along with Democrats, with Republicans, with liberals, with conservatives. That’s what we need in this country — to bring it together. It is very divided.”

Trump also joked about his appearance while offering a personal biography for those unfamiliar with him.
“I have a beautiful head of hair,” he quipped. "I’m an extraordinarily handsome person.”

He wasn't even paying attention during the House attempt and he vastly underestimated what was needed for the Senate version - and we wonders why? He does what? Brings people together saying a Senator who spent 5 years in a prison wasn't a hero? You have to be joking.

Babble all you want but the fact remains that he is delivering on the issues of particular interest to Christians!

This is conclusive proof that it's really bothering you that Trump is delivering on the Christian agenda! :D

Oh, and Gorsuch is huge and it's worth noting that the thing Trump had the most control over, he delivered on! :p

Nothing bothers me, just don't see him delivering other than Gorsuch. He can say it's Congress' fault all he wants but HE'S the one who said he would do it and like Harry Truman said, "The buck stops here!" He should never have said it unless he had a strategy. That makes him a dreamer. :cool:

on the agenda Christians are interested in. He has officially directed the Pentagon to back off the transgender initiatives that Obama directed!

Another win for Christians who wisely chose Trump over Hilary and are being rewarded by having their policy preferences executed by the executive branch!

Christians are going the way of the dinosaur. Thank "god".

Nothing bothers me, just don't see him delivering other than Gorsuch. He can say it's Congress' fault all he wants but HE'S the one who said he would do it and like Harry Truman said, "The buck stops here!" He should never have said it unless he had a strategy. That makes him a dreamer. :cool:

It's obvious it bothers you and I just confronted you with facts and yet you claim you "don't see him delivering other than Gorsuch". This isn't a matter of perception or opinion. It's a matter of fact and for you to be in denial must mean that it bothers you quite a bit! :rolleyes:

Babble all you want but the fact remains that he is delivering on the issues of particular interest to Christians!
Please read "The Divine Comedy " by Dante. Great literature. Maybe beyond your comprehension. Eighth circle of hell reserved for the hypocrites. Out of nine circles so this is pretty intense! Can only hope this is true since most "christians" I see lately are frankly an abomination. I'll take my chances with the doubters thank you.