Same problem I had. I think they are running out of money. Their human side is about to go broke, so it must be trickling down.
Same problem I had. I think they are running out of money. Their human side is about to go broke, so it must be trickling down.
Right now, my 6-year old Corgi is dying at a nationally-acclaimed veterinary specialists clinic. Her liver is failing, in spite of heroic amounts of drug therapy during the last 72 hours. Neither the vet specialists nor the regular family vet believe there is any correlation between her having been on JUST TWO DOSES of Trifexis, and now her liver is failing.
We adopted her from a No-Kill group when she was 2 years old, knowing she had a light case of heartworms, with their advice to just keep her on heartworm preventative, and see how she did. If needed, we could put her through the heartworm cure, but we didn't have to put her through the extreme treatment immediately. The expectation was that the situation would not get worse, and it might get better. In fact, she's done fine with us for these four years and been a loved family pet. We've had 7 healthy pets over the years, and here she is the one dying of liver failure.
THE ONLY THING WE DID DIFFERENTLY THIS FALL is change her from two separate medicines of heartworm preventative and Comfortis to this one monthly tablet of Trifexis. And, she had only two doses of Trifexis in these last two months.
Maybe Trifexis is not the culprit. Maybe her liver was going to flame out over these two months anyway, but I will never use Trifexis again on any animal in my care.
DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE. IT'S JUST NOT WORTH THE RISK TO YOUR PET. I suspect that my dog is just one more of the company's guinea pigs to locate the contraindications for the use of their medicine. If the nation's vets do not think it's a problem now, maybe a lot more dogs have to die to get their attention and force the company to take some precautions to warn dog owners that this product may not be suitable for some animals. The vet's techs had no such warnings when advising me that I could switch my dog over to Trifexis and save a few bucks. Two months on Trifexis, and now, after four good years, my dog is dying? I think it is far more than just a coincidence.
People, if your pet has a problem or reaction to any product, report it to that manufacturer. Not cafepharma. This site is for whiners, sucky sales reps and a few unfortunate souls that stumble on to it.
I just got home from the vet. My dog had a terrible reaction to trifexis. Hives, extreme thirst, and very agitated. I spent the night trying to find something to give her relief. She spent the night sitting on my lap crying. She took comfortis and interceptor for over a year with not problem, two months ago my vet's office decided I needed to change her flea and heartworm medicine to trifexis. Today they refunded the full price of the trifexis and suggested I contact the company that makes trifexis and tell them of my dog's reaction. As you can see I'm not only telling them I'm telling anyone who will listen. I wonder what kind of a kick-back the vet's offices are getting to push this stuff when a dog is doing fine on their old medicine.
Gave my perfectly healthy 7 year old lab/pyrenese mix trifexis. She had a horrrible, horrible seizure. Animal hospital tested her for everything else at a cost of $5,360. Trifexis is poison.