Wrong. The internet will be about $5 less than the vet- it can't afford to be more than that. What you are forgetting is our $10 and $20 rebates to the client. A year supply for $40-$50! Sign me up!
Watch, I bet 50-100 Sentinel will be at 46.99 on the internet. Then what the DVM is scratching his/her ___. Crying I can't competewith these sites.
Bravo, bravo, bravo. So let me get this straight...Doing nothing for the adult flea which can live for days feeding on the pet is a great product. Mrs. Smith, we will not kill the fleas eating your pet, but we promise they won't lay eggs. Your dog will be miserable, but that's all we had for your 2 lb dog. Really?? You can have the 2-4lb market and the 4-8 wk market. That is all you will probably get anyway. Besides, next year both products will be in trouble when Merck launches their product.You forget that the Vet is buying Sentinel 51-100 at a cost of $30.15
$30.15 (vet cost) X 80% mark up (realistic in today's economy) = $55.27
Then minus $10 rebate (vet only) = $45.76 --- Gee, how can they ever compete vs. online at a price of $46.99? Their compliance might even go up to 9 months (where as Trifexis's is 6-7 months).....that means more revenue for vet and better for pets.
Not to mention, Trifexis is horrible to take / is only for 8 wks of age (Sentinel 4 wks) / is only for 5 lbs. (Sentinel 2 lbs) / Sentinel is true flea prevention targeting 85% of flea lifecylce (Trifexis only covers 5% lifecycle) / Trifexis causes seizures.
Show me a vet that stays with Trifexis over Sentinel -- and I'll show you a dumb ass who is just salty towards Novartis. Those dopes exist, but even they'll see the light when their customers leave them or buy it from a scum bag vet online who diverts.
Good bye Trifexis. You were always a niche' product. How's that price increase going for ya? That must have gone over well in Napa.
Bravo, bravo, bravo. So let me get this straight...Doing nothing for the adult flea which can live for days feeding on the pet is a great product. Mrs. Smith, we will not kill the fleas eating your pet, but we promise they won't lay eggs. Your dog will be miserable, but that's all we had for your 2 lb dog. Really?? You can have the 2-4lb market and the 4-8 wk market. That is all you will probably get anyway. Besides, next year both products will be in trouble when Merck launches their product.
Watch, I bet 50-100 Sentinel will be at 46.99 on the internet. Then what the DVM is scratching his/her ___. Crying I can't competewith these sites.
I'd like to see the return of a product like Interceptor, which my dogs did really, really well on. I have a dog that can not tolerate ivermectin, has food and other allergies, and has had reactions to Trifexis. How can we get big pharma to overlook the bottom line and provide something sensible, basically a new version of Interceptor? My dogs are indoors 99% of the time. They have never had a problem with fleas and I prefer not to give them a pill to treat fleas when they don't need it. At the same time, having owned heartworm positive dogs in the past and not desiring to go through the treatment process with other dogs again, I do comprehend the need for heartworm preventative. Bigger, stronger and all encompassing isn't always better in preventatives and medications. Bring an Interceptor replacement back for those of us who need it. Sentinel is what I use now because my sensitive dog can tolerate it but he doesn't need to be treated for fleas!
FYI, lufenuron (the flea preventive molecule in Sentinel) is essentially inert in your dog. It prevents the development of chitin in flea egg and larval life stages, eliminating them. Since our dogs bodies don't contain chitin, it has no effect on them whatsoever. In fact, when they did the LD50 study on lufenuron (LD50 = lethal dose for 50% of testing/study population), they had to estimate a dose since the couldn't administer enough to kill any of the study dogs. Extremely safe for any dog, and not sure if you can say that with any other monthly flea oral drug other than Capstar.
Point well taken. Problem is that to big pharma the ONLY concern is the bottom line. Compassion for the end user (your pet) does not exist.