Trifexis Boom Over??

The only reason dogs are vomiting on Trifexis is because the owner's are not giving the pill with food in the dog's stomach. That is one of the most important things a client needs to be told when they purchase Trifexis if they have never used it before.We were specifically told to tell our client's this and haven't had any complaints as long as tell them that. If for some reason they aren't told, we will sometimes get that complaint and then once we tell them that, they come back and say it worked great! I work at vet's office and both of my dogs are on Trifexis and I have not had one incident of vomiting since I put them on it over a year ago. They are both small (10 and 20 lbs.) and they do great with it! We also have no issue of getting Comfortis so I don't know why there are vet's offices who can't get it (we are in Texas..maybe it's state related?). We have numerous clients who have switched from Advantage to Comfortis alone and absolutely love it for its efficacy. Maybe those who can't get it just are going to the right places. It isn't a prescription so you should be able to purchase from whomever carries it. Just thought I would share our experiences for those who are spewing craziness!

My goodness there is so much fail in this post

"They can legally cut off sellling to veterinary offices, and they are. They have over 354 black listed veterinarians in the country who have been caught selling bulk."

With over 50,000 vets and 20,000 animal clinics in the USA....this is like putting out a fire with an eye dropper. You do realize that don't you? Congrats, Elanco has successfully stopped .008 of DVM's from diverting. Just some facts for you.

The point is, Elanco is TRYING to cut off Veterinarians who divert. Even if it is only .008 of the Veterinarians, it is more than many companies are doing. If, as was said previously, you can buy it at that, send the box to Elanco, let them track it and stop the source!

You guys - love the post about Elanco saying they only sell into Vets and vet clinics. They said the same thing here in Australia, (by the way all heartwormers with the exception of Proheart injection are OTC here) of course they can't restrict distribution when the product may have changed hands at least 3 times before it get to the end user.

Another issue, and for what ever reason they call trifexis Panoramis here in Oz. we are seeing quite a few adverse events from the usual vomiting to fits to liver function issues BUT like vets every where are loathed to report these event...loathed maybe too much, maybe too lazy to report.

Uh oh look behind you, those footsteps you hear are Sentinel being shipped into every account you call on. Good luck hitting your targets, hope you saved your bonus money!!

Take another hit of whatever you are smoking. Sentinel is not in the same class as Trifexis. Now, you will get some HG business, but combo product business=none! You forgot that Sentinel doesn't kill fleas.

Don't worry Revolution and Heartgard will feel the pinch too! The market is not growing just getting chopped up. The Parasiticide Price Wars have begun. Go PPW, the winners will be the pets and the pet parents we all care most about. Once PPW is underway the market will grow again for all of us.

So short sided, compliance is at all time low due to expensive Trifexis. Offering sentinel cheaper will allow more people be able to afford and buy twelve months of protection. Trifexis being so expensive in clinic will drive more people to Internet.

So short sided, compliance is at all time low due to expensive Trifexis. Offering sentinel cheaper will allow more people be able to afford and buy twelve months of protection. Trifexis being so expensive in clinic will drive more people to Internet.

So you're saying they won't go to the Internet for Sentinel?

of course they will go to the internet for Sentinel and it will be WAY less expensive. This will grab market share much faster than anything that will happen at the traditional Vet practice.