Trifexis Boom Over??

All of you are being trolled by this Merck/Schering/Intervet rep. Activyl isn't what he/she's really referring to...they could care less about that product now. BECAUSE, Merck AH is currently conducting field studies on a 3-month flea/tick pill...I confirmed it today.

"Oh crap" is right.

Ha Ha! You are right. I wanted to see all these dumb Elanco reps worry about Activyl when we will hammer you with our oral product in 2012! It is good to be king Merck!!

I went to buy my comfortis and the vet recommended Advantage. He liked the Spinosad the best for flees, but said the heart worm agent in Advantage was ten times stronger than Trifexis. I would have kept buying comfortis, but I need the heart guard. Why did you guys stop making Comfortis. Are you worried that people will take the spinosad pill for head lice? There is a new drug called Natroba for head lice and the active agent is Spinosad. What is the deal????

I went to buy my comfortis and the vet recommended Advantage. He liked the Spinosad the best for flees, but said the heart worm agent in Advantage was ten times stronger than Trifexis. I would have kept buying comfortis, but I need the heart guard. Why did you guys stop making Comfortis. Are you worried that people will take the spinosad pill for head lice? There is a new drug called Natroba for head lice and the active agent is Spinosad. What is the deal????
Yep, this exactly, guilty as charged.

I went to buy my comfortis and the vet recommended Advantage. He liked the Spinosad the best for flees, but said the heart worm agent in Advantage was ten times stronger than Trifexis. I would have kept buying comfortis, but I need the heart guard. Why did you guys stop making Comfortis. Are you worried that people will take the spinosad pill for head lice? There is a new drug called Natroba for head lice and the active agent is Spinosad. What is the deal????

First of all Advantage does nothing for heartworms, second of all comfortis is still avaliable.

it is not available at my vets office or any others in town. The advantage product is made by bayer, the vet it was for heart worms as well. Maybe there is an advantage plus or something.

Absolutely pathetic that 99.9% of the DVM's out there have no clue that using ivermectin in a dog that is on spinosad creates a greater incidence of dogs having seizures. Elanco reps don't talk about this. Spinosad's use has been banned in several states in agriculture b/c of resistence. Why any DVM would risk a dog throwing up their HW prev (especially in an immiticide shortage year) to use an adulticide only flea product is crazy. The whole reason to carry a combo product is to increase compliance. Trifexis isnt doing this. When they said Vets are bad business people, they weren't lying.

Absolutely pathetic that 99.9% of the DVM's out there have no clue that using ivermectin in a dog that is on spinosad creates a greater incidence of dogs having seizures. Elanco reps don't talk about this. Spinosad's use has been banned in several states in agriculture b/c of resistence. Why any DVM would risk a dog throwing up their HW prev (especially in an immiticide shortage year) to use an adulticide only flea product is crazy. The whole reason to carry a combo product is to increase compliance. Trifexis isnt doing this. When they said Vets are bad business people, they weren't lying.

Please forward all of us idiots your peer reviewed study that proves that your claim is valid. Check the label and eat your crow you child. If you can read that is!

Trifexis has hit its target as "blockbuster" with over $100mm in sales! I guess there are a lot of bad vets out there indeed. Schmerk-schmuck!

Please forward all of us idiots your peer reviewed study that proves that your claim is valid. Check the label and eat your crow you child. If you can read that is!

Trifexis has hit its target as "blockbuster" with over $100mm in sales! I guess there are a lot of bad vets out there indeed. Schmerk-schmuck!

Schmerk? Well actually I am a paid speaker who works for Novartis and I act as a veterinarian on TV. My favorite argument is all about resistance with spinosad even though I have no real proof. I'm da flea diva! Hear me roar!

Schmerk? Well actually I am a paid speaker who works for Novartis and I act as a veterinarian on TV. My favorite argument is all about resistance with spinosad even though I have no real proof. I'm da flea diva! Hear me roar!

Trifexis sales are getting a little harder now that my vets are seeing many more dogs vomit. In addition I have been afraid the day would come when my clients started saying they are seeing customers complaints about fleas on dogs using Trifexis. Well the honeymoon appears to be over and I am now dealing with the same issues that we accused front line of having. I am afraid the rumors we pushed about resistance to front line are going to come back and bite us all in the butt.

Trifexis sales are getting a little harder now that my vets are seeing many more dogs vomit. In addition I have been afraid the day would come when my clients started saying they are seeing customers complaints about fleas on dogs using Trifexis. Well the honeymoon appears to be over and I am now dealing with the same issues that we accused front line of having. I am afraid the rumors we pushed about resistance to front line are going to come back and bite us all in the butt.

To mis-quote you and put you in your silly little place ... the only thing that seems to be "pushing" from your "butt" is warm and brown. Get a life.

umm, i did purchase it online and legally they cannot cut a veterinarian off from buying their products. most are scared of big pharma and don't want to spend the money on the legal battle

They can legally cut off sellling to veterinary offices, and they are. They have over 354 black listed veterinarians in the country who have been caught selling bulk.

Prescription needed at Costco?

If you buy 6 months of Trifexis, you get 10 bucks back, and 12 months of Trefixis gives you 20 bucks back. Also, they offer guarantees on treating and controlling fleas, heartworm, whipworm, roundworm and hookworm. You can only get these guarantees if you buy from a veterinarian!

The only reason dogs are vomiting on Trifexis is because the owner's are not giving the pill with food in the dog's stomach. That is one of the most important things a client needs to be told when they purchase Trifexis if they have never used it before.We were specifically told to tell our client's this and haven't had any complaints as long as tell them that. If for some reason they aren't told, we will sometimes get that complaint and then once we tell them that, they come back and say it worked great! I work at vet's office and both of my dogs are on Trifexis and I have not had one incident of vomiting since I put them on it over a year ago. They are both small (10 and 20 lbs.) and they do great with it! We also have no issue of getting Comfortis so I don't know why there are vet's offices who can't get it (we are in Texas..maybe it's state related?). We have numerous clients who have switched from Advantage to Comfortis alone and absolutely love it for its efficacy. Maybe those who can't get it just are going to the right places. It isn't a prescription so you should be able to purchase from whomever carries it. Just thought I would share our experiences for those who are spewing craziness!