You have no idea what you are talking about. There is nothing specialty about a piece of plastic studied to absorb acid, hello bicarbonate! Tricida offers nothing new other than a potentially very expensive alternative to treat something that can be treated with what is in your refrigerator right now neutralizing odors, hint: the box is off yellow in color, has an arm holding a hammer and costs less than $2 and more palatable forms of it have been used for decades already. In addition, there are already pharmaceutical preparations that have been clinically proven to reduce acidosis that is generic and secures the tier 1 position regardless of having an indication or not, like saying a glass of water is indicated to reduce dehydration but let's charge thousands more because we have studied and received an indication to say water reduces dehydration.
When you ask your nephrology contacts about veverimer they will laugh at you, data published in a 2nd rate journal "Lancet" because the editorial board at the NEJM also laughed at the manuscript and wasn't worthy of being published in NEJM, so you have an American company that only can get their data published in a British medical journal, LOL. By claiming "will be the only FDA approved medication to treat MA" will greatly assist you in taking over the #1 position of the laughing stock pharmaceutical company just in front of Opko but by not much.