
Its way too long and make sure you kiss as much butt as possible that the best way to get training dept to think your a great rep. really doesn't matter what your sales numbers are like.

You'll get to hear from the people at the company who should have been fired from the last round of firings. They kept a lot of the clowns, especially a VP or two that should have been let go. The feel I get is that no one likes the new CEO, but who cares as long as he kicks some rear end. Our leader which you will get some kind of talk from, well, you decide for yourself. Kinda sad really. Good luck. Keep your ear to the ground, watch who resigns at the company and watch who gets let go. It's very telling.

TRaining bonus is the only thing that makes repeating the same message over and over again worth it. Be sure to take a lot of chap stick with you as you will be kissing a lot of butt.

Agree. Every territory is not Raleigh.

Bcbs coverage plus next day turn around on lab results. Your not kidding not every territory is like Raleigh. Play Frank S is the reason that territory did as well as it did. Not the efforts of the training dept head. Although she likes to think it was her doing.

Only Lipo has a 5 week training. Most of the content can be learned in 2 weeks...if that. Once you are thrown in the field, thats when the real learning begins. The reality check that is...

its unfortunate that some really good reps were passed over as trainers because they didn't meet the mustard of the training manager. which means they didn't kiss her butt

just shows you how spineless the management team is. Not one RSM will stand up and say "hey that person doesn't have the experience or real world Lab partnerships to be a good trainer" or "Hey that slime ball works for HDL (insert Everest Labs in here if you would like)"

just shows you how spineless the management team is. Not one RSM will stand up and say "hey that person doesn't have the experience or real world Lab partnerships to be a good trainer" or "Hey that slime ball works for HDL (insert Everest Labs in here if you would like)"

Dont blame the RSM's they have been beaten into submission and are too afraid to lose their jobs.

Training was a joke! I have never had a training that was so long and accomplished so little.

I love how on the investor calls that ask if we are being trained effectively enough. My guess is the board needs to step in and fire the director, as the current leaders can't see past the chest.