Too harsh. She's a minion, a useful idiot. That's why we're here.What's toxic about this workplace?
Do her actions stand out as anomalies for this culture?
Too harsh. She's a minion, a useful idiot. That's why we're here.What's toxic about this workplace?
Do her actions stand out as anomalies for this culture?
Too harsh. She's a minion, a useful idiot. That's why we're here.
Can y’all come up with another person to shit on. JFC y’all are a bunch of jealous dbags. Stop sweating her. You sound pathetic and have been following her since your avanir days. I can’t imagine being so infatuated with someone after 6+ years….shit sucked over at Avanir and we get it, but she did not bring any of MMs bs over here. So come up with something new!
You’re a pussy. You let a woman under 5 feet tall live rent free in your head. Have sweet dreams of her tonight!come on Denise that’s lame of you
You’re a pussy. You let a woman under 5 feet tall live rent free in your head. Have sweet dreams of her tonight!
As a new mother (probably now disclosed who I am) and rep that just got back out into the field, I heard she is brutal with situations such as mine. Glad I don't work for her!
Why do so many women managers cut other women down?Yep DP has turned this place into an Avanir 2.0. She only kbows what she knows.
Why do so many women managers cut other women down?
what a shallow mindset to think this is about gender. let’s be honest, DP Is an embarrassment to sales leaders everywhere and that does not have a damn thing to do with gender.
Please tell us more. In what way is she "an embarrassment to sales leaders everywhere"?
I'm guessing that she didn't promote you, didn't give you the review you dreamt you deserved, or outright cut you from the herd, but that's hardly an embarrassment to sales leadership. That would have been a surprisingly good start to being a sales leader.
You're clearly obsessed with DP. How long have you ruminated on this? Since you left Avinair? I read your posts and picture you in your parent's basement with a ceiling poster, above the bed, that you've pasted Denise's face on the body of Elvira or Bettie Page.
We all can agree that DP is shady and needs to be locked up. I can't believe the DOJ lets this stuff still fly. Harder to believe is that this company still employs her when she's been on HR's radar and has been outed so many times.