Touchpoint being sold (not a rumor - Press release from Paris)

syneos will be the buyer. They’ll get the contracts and be able to have “synergies” by firing all the yardley people because they got all those functions covered. So they can bid more than the others. Maybe Ashfield for the same reasons. Don’t believe the hype that it’s gonna be a private equity co to keep us independent. Floral Vale will go away.

Does anyone know what is going on with the sale??
See the Touchpoint website - It is posted that "today Feb. 1, 2019 Touchpoint is no longer part of Publicis Group"...
What is going on?

yardley is pretty much divided into 2 groups. Smart people who know Pharma and have been productive in the industry...and less smart people who are good at playing politics, kissing butt, and trash talking other people. Looks like the new owners are keeping the latter group

yardley is pretty much divided into 2 groups. Smart people who know Pharma and have been productive in the industry...and less smart people who are good at playing politics, kissing butt, and trash talking other people. Looks like the new owners are keeping the latter group

That's about 98% of the 4th floor in the building. Some of them were shown the door yesterday though! Crying uncontrollably and carrying out their Publicis coffee mugs and butt plugs.


yeah most of 4th floor are useless self-servers who know nothing. They are the ones who spend 100% of the last 3 months politicking. Almost All the good human beings and people who actually knew anything got termed yesterday

of course....they are the reason that there hasn’t been a new client in 2 years. What are these altamont people thinking? You think that’s goung to change by keeping the know-nothings and whacking all the good people?

yardley is pretty much divided into 2 groups. Smart people who know Pharma and have been productive in the industry...and less smart people who are good at playing politics, kissing butt, and trash talking other people. Looks like the new owners are keeping the latter group

As far as the “latter group” just start at the top. Andrew has only cared about angling for his next job. Success of the business is totally irrelevant for him. Incapable. I’ve seen this guy with clients. Absent.

ive heard this altamont guy is good but how are they going to get or keep any business when they just whacked everybody who knows how to run a CSO and kept all the know-nothings?