Touchpoint being sold (not a rumor - Press release from Paris)

1. Syneos, Ashfield, Iqvia buys us...they only want our (few) contracts. No need for our “genius” business people in yardley
2. The above companies just pick off our clients, now that everybody knows We have no support from we die a slower death
3. Some nebulous “investment company” buys us to continue the business. Why would anyone do that? See #1 and #2 above. We have no management business talent, unless you count a Career HR guy who knows nothing about this business and everything about (now useless) corporate politics.
4. There is no nebulous investment company interested in losing money

Yeah so the spin is that some angel “investment company” or “venture capital” company is going to buy us. Like they’re going to invest money In a failing CSO to continue to fail and lose clients while syneos and ashfield and quintiles, run by real professional commercial people (unlike us), continue to eat our lunch

The higher ups will be the ones in trouble. Hopefully they’ve networked with enough cronies around the industry to jump to another mid level management bullshit position at a mid-sized pharma company to push papers and create bullshit excel charts to justify their position. Luckily the least paid lowly reps and tele-reps pull such low salaries that nobody will even care to eliminate such peon positions

what potential client in their right mind would select Publicis now that it’s in the public record that the parent company doesn’t support us and wants to get rid of us. Hopefully our contract gets transferred over to Syneos

if I hear one more senior “executive” in Yardley trying to spin a positive story about a “investment company” buying us....I’m going to tell him to stop insulting my intelligence

Public Service Announcement- Clearing up this thread, a sad happening has occurred, some good and yes talented individuals at Publicis, as with any company some bad actors to boot.
PDI and Publicis are the SAME CONTRACT COMPANY, it is all being SOLD. Any private equity group that bought Publicis for a premium would be nuts and will take a bath on it, period. Next, the CEO of Publicis did a disservice to the sale by branding the company as a poor performing, low margin, volatile player, however did a great service for the stock by positioning this that way and now moving this asset from the books. Publicis stateside leadership should never discuss potential purchase pricing openly with employees, not responsible and as a publicly traded company not the wisest practice, less is more. GSK inked a deal with Publicis Group Ad Agency, good move, GSK uses Syneos (yes where some of that Genius Talent of Publicis now resides) as they should for their Commercial Sales, better move. Lastly, Syneos could easily handle this sale and contracts, greatly improving this business moving forward, their commercial President was head of Publicis Commercial for years, no brainier, ONLY if they get it on fire-sale, someone will screw that up most likely though. So, what to do, prepare for the worse hope foe the best, for most it will work out these things can take a long time to get done, heck Iqvia has had their Commercial business up for sales for over a year now.

will happen soon. No current client will renew and no potential client will sign. My bet is Ashfield. Why would a “private equity company” want to buy a failing CSO with a couple clients all of whom are looking to gtf out of Publicis? They’ll keep some junior people at yardley, that’s it.

i think the “bet” means he doesn’t know but is making a guess, genius. Makes sense to me. are all those retention bonuses coming along? Start looking, people!

I worked for them last year until contract was abruptly terminated at end of year. When they began pushing the LGBT agenda in their corporate emails and communications, I recognized it as a sign of misplaced priorities. No other pharma company did that, and it was not that Publicis was so progressive and edgy. It was because they thought they'd capitalize on a political trend and become a corporate virtue signaler. Nice try Pub! Now go sell your shitty CSO, if you can find a buyer.