Tornier Distributors

Really??? How credible you must be in front of surgeons. You belong at Arthrex or you must have come from there. (i.e. you are a douche)

How credible are you in front of our sales force? You belong at Nuvasive or you must have come from there. (i.e. your name is Terry Rich and you are a dumb douche). [WTF this post shows your lack of intelligence]

(I can't resist... )I was near Terry on a plane recently, and he had his head back and was snoring and snorting super super loud for about an hour.. with everyone around him turning (including one of his cronies) and scowling or laughing at him. (There's irony in there somewhere about him sleeping soundly while the people around him are distracted.)

Wondering how Tornier is going to keep any of their sales force around distributors or direct reps when they cut commissions and totally f---ed up the Orthohelix aquisition! This company has zero leadership abilities and hires douche bag sales managers. Good product bag with shitty leadership equals shitty sales. This ship is sinking!

And we all bought mobile labs because of the snake oil preacher David Blue. Hallelujah brothers. Anybody want a used low mileage RV?

I have a tricked out 3 station lab which I financed. I did a ton of foot and ankle labs, but they just took lower extremity away from me. It lost half of its value the day I bought it, so I am a little upside down. If anybody wants it, call 1-800-IgotFuctbiDB

DW did get made! He quit, then in TR's infininate wisdom, gave him the world! I think I'll resign now knowing what Dick received for himself and his reps. Same thing happened in California and lok what Tom Meyer did to Ohio. Took TR for a ride! when will Mowry and the board wake up to see what he is doing. What a joke...