Too much of a risk for Alzheimers Drug

Experts not giving drug very good approval odds. Why on Earth are they hiring now before they know if drug will be approved or not? What happens if you get hired and drug isn't approved? Is it simply bye bye? Then you are out of a job.
Happens more than you would think. Just ask anyone over at GSKs HIV division - very recently Shit show

If Biogen is so confident, then offers should be contingent upon FDA approval. Why go through all the effort and money and affected lives when there is a good chance the drug isn't approved. We have seen this happen so many times over the years that you would think that companies would learn.

I know, they don't even know for sure if its going to be in November. Now with the coronavisus the FDA is delayed and it may not be approved to much later.
Huge professional risk, I told them to call me when its approved.

You're actually an idiot. A true idiot. IT is a HUGE risk this drug won't be approved. Many believe they will be asking for an additional study and that will extend it out over a year where they won't support employees and keep them on payroll. It is a valid point and why many won't take the job. People in earlier positions that were already filled were offered significant bulk money to be given in the event of not getting approved. Every position should be offered a decent guarantee if they decide to take the job. It is only common sense. More common sense would be hiring after FDA approval. So storm gurl...

anyone who takes this job with no guarantee of a job in 6 months is a moron. If ii is not approved by end of year, why would they keep the salesforce? your gone. there are better opportunities out there

anyone who takes this job with no guarantee of a job in 6 months is a moron. If ii is not approved by end of year, why would they keep the salesforce? your gone. there are better opportunities out there

I agree, and you make some great points. No guarantee the product will be approved in November especially since the FDA said there would be approval delays. No guarantee it will have a good PI . If the PI is bad then it will hell to sell and expect PDPs in the first 6-8 months. Mark my word