• Thurs news: AbbVie Parkinson’s drug. Arch raises $3B biotech fund. Biogen dropping failed Sage tremor drug. AZ gets sought-after Tagrisso OK. Pfizer withdrawing sickle cell med. See more on our front page

To those 500 displaced...

You’ll never find a better job than the one you just lost
That's the type of mindset that keeps people stuck. The money is good, but most aspects of the job suck, as we're aware. Been out of the industry for a few years now after nearly 2 decades in it. Grew tired and frustrated with the current reality of Pharma with it's frequent lay-off's, sociopathic management, superficial (or worse) teammates, access issues, unrealistic expectations, etc. Adjusted to having a lower compensation in another field where the job provides intrinsic rewards and security - something that Pharma has not offered in many years. No age discrimination to worry about either - I can work my job until I'm 70 or older, full-time or part-time. For many, the Golden Handcuffs of Pharma prevent them from seeking other endeavors that could be more rewarding and more secure. Break those golden handcuffs or have them broken for you after your next lay-off.

That's the type of mindset that keeps people stuck. The money is good, but most aspects of the job suck, as we're aware. Been out of the industry for a few years now after nearly 2 decades in it. Grew tired and frustrated with the current reality of Pharma with it's frequent lay-off's, sociopathic management, superficial (or worse) teammates, access issues, unrealistic expectations, etc. Adjusted to having a lower compensation in another field where the job provides intrinsic rewards and security - something that Pharma has not offered in many years. No age discrimination to worry about either - I can work my job until I'm 70 or older, full-time or part-time. For many, the Golden Handcuffs of Pharma prevent them from seeking other endeavors that could be more rewarding and more secure. Break those golden handcuffs or have them broken for you after your next lay-off.

Yes cut by AZ, late in career unable find another BioPharm sales gig….landed at Home Depot

yes we get stock ! Yes I now manage the department and make over 100k. AZ doesn’t have a pension plan but yeah Home Depot matches my 401(k)

they’ll let me move up the ladder as long as I wanna work, That like freakin awesome figure I’ll be that 70 year old guy finding screws or cutting lumber

That's the type of mindset that keeps people stuck. The money is good, but most aspects of the job suck, as we're aware. Been out of the industry for a few years now after nearly 2 decades in it. Grew tired and frustrated with the current reality of Pharma with it's frequent lay-off's, sociopathic management, superficial (or worse) teammates, access issues, unrealistic expectations, etc. Adjusted to having a lower compensation in another field where the job provides intrinsic rewards and security - something that Pharma has not offered in many years. No age discrimination to worry about either - I can work my job until I'm 70 or older, full-time or part-time. For many, the Golden Handcuffs of Pharma prevent them from seeking other endeavors that could be more rewarding and more secure. Break those golden handcuffs or have them broken for you after your next lay-off.
I’ve heard good things about being a Greeter.

Yes cut by AZ, late in career unable find another BioPharm sales gig….landed at Home Depot

yes we get stock ! Yes I now manage the department and make over 100k. AZ doesn’t have a pension plan but yeah Home Depot matches my 401(k)

they’ll let me move up the ladder as long as I wanna work, That like freakin awesome figure I’ll be that 70 year old guy finding screws or cutting lumber

HD is a helluva lot more of an honest job than what most do at AZ.