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Thoughts on what NVS will ask us to do from home?


What does everyone think the company will ask us to do for the next 3 weeks?[/

good question. I think we are all wondering that and awaiting this call today... let’s hope it’s not strictly scheduled because if kids are home like in many peoples situation, it’s going to be difficult to manage. What we can only hope is that Novartis responds to this with empathy for these physicians that are going to have to work from home adjusting to telemedicine other then those patients critical that need face to face evaluations etc...This is a time when medical systems are scrambling to figure out how to best serve their hcps and patients needs. To inundate our hcps now with outside noise in the way of an marketing message or “god forbid” virtual calls would be a giant mistake in my opinion. Give this a few weeks and re-evaluate but let the hcps and organization who we are supposed to serve get situated and a grasp on this new (hopefully) temporary medical format.
If the rep for territories have been doing their job...they should have MAs and physicians on speed dial anyways/text, if they need something the reps should be able to communicate that way for the time being. That said, the most important thing is to respect the customer and their role in helping patients that need help with possible exposure to this virus so that things can get back to normal as soon as possible.

We have a major launch in immunology for a new indication- we should be spending the next 4 months on that. This is only getting worse with forced quarantines in the USA coming soon.

I have my reps looking closely at the data and identifying targets and trends so that when we get the official all clear we are ready to go. On top of that my team is handling specific office needs on a case by case basis- through email and phone. Face to face if both parties feel comfortable. This is a competitive advantage for us if we can be even better representatives and ready to strike once the all clear is sounded! I'm actually excited because of the opportunities this will present- no one in this industry or company works harder than my team! The passion and skill set is like nothing I've ever seen. We will get through this! One Novartis!!!

We have a major launch in immunology for a new indication- we should be spending the next 4 months on that. This is only getting worse with forced quarantines in the USA coming soon.

I have my reps looking closely at the data and identifying targets and trends so that when we get the official all clear we are ready to go. On top of that my team is handling specific office needs on a case by case basis- through email and phone. Face to face if both parties feel comfortable. This is a competitive advantage for us if we can be even better representatives and ready to strike once the all clear is sounded! I'm actually excited because of the opportunities this will present- no one in this industry or company works harder than my team! The passion and skill set is like nothing I've ever seen. We will get through this! One Novartis!!!

Another Koolaid drinking ass. I bet your team worships the ground you walk on.

In reply to the the “gung ho”...though that vibe is great and more power to you if true...your reps shouldn’t need this next 4-8 weeks to analyze trends and data etc...that should have already and should be consistently happening anyways to some degree. Keep in mind, physicians right now and in the next few weeks/months to come, will be more focused on this pandemic and not writing drugs/switching meds nearly as much as they would have been. Point being, your “gung ho” analysis may be significantly skewed...not trying to be a smart ass just realistic. I think this “virtual call” stuff is going to be another situation where we tread lightly. It’s certainly not business as usual for our customers right now...let’s walk in our customers shoes and not be so Kool aid ra ra pharma...

We have a major launch in immunology for a new indication- we should be spending the next 4 months on that. This is only getting worse with forced quarantines in the USA coming soon.

I have my reps looking closely at the data and identifying targets and trends so that when we get the official all clear we are ready to go. On top of that my team is handling specific office needs on a case by case basis- through email and phone. Face to face if both parties feel comfortable. This is a competitive advantage for us if we can be even better representatives and ready to strike once the all clear is sounded! I'm actually excited because of the opportunities this will present- no one in this industry or company works harder than my team! The passion and skill set is like nothing I've ever seen. We will get through this! One Novartis!!!

Haha! Major launch! That’s funny! No rheum gives a crap about the nrSPA indication. If a patient has it, they know how to get our drug covered for it.

This is going to be an "Ad Hoc", quickly thrown together, virtual plan. The training alone will take a week. Then we will try to implement a plan that won't totally work in many, many ways.

However, this looks like a "test-bed" for "virtual sales". Pharma Companies have been trying to find a way to reduce Rep head count for, hell, close to two decades. This is just the environment they need to test the model to see if it has legs.

Whatever happens, the way our world looked last month will be vastly different from the way it will look by June.

We have a major launch in immunology for a new indication- we should be spending the next 4 months on that. This is only getting worse with forced quarantines in the USA coming soon.

I have my reps looking closely at the data and identifying targets and trends so that when we get the official all clear we are ready to go. On top of that my team is handling specific office needs on a case by case basis- through email and phone. Face to face if both parties feel comfortable. This is a competitive advantage for us if we can be even better representatives and ready to strike once the all clear is sounded! I'm actually excited because of the opportunities this will present- no one in this industry or company works harder than my team! The passion and skill set is like nothing I've ever seen. We will get through this! One Novartis!!!
You are a fool if you are suggesting your reps have face to face meetings. This virus is no joke and not worth the risk to get ahead on a new launch.....which are not business critical! Wow, I would hate to work for someone like you who is willing to put my health and safety at risk.

Well said, it’s all about pennies without thought of people like the recent recall of Sandimmune and Neoral softgel for violating child safety laws, the poor packaging was known for at least two years. Novartis weighed a few poisoned children vs doing the right thing immediately.

The contamination problem is an even bigger issue with dangerous chemicals leaching into many cancer medications yet management is taking there time once again years. People in the know doing nothing need to go to jail.

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