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Novartis Insider - Final Thoughts

You people are worried about nothing .
All you need to succeed are
1) ski mask
2) empty bag with dollar bill sign
3) banana in your coat pocket pointing forward
4) getaway car parked out front

Real GDP has gone up by $200 billion since the 2nd quarter of 2008, a 1.4% increase.
The National Debt has gone from $9.5 trillion in the 2nd quarter of 2008 to $15.6 trillion today, a 64% increase. Not too much bang for our Keynesian buck.
There were 146 million Americans employed in the 2nd quarter of 2008. Today there are 142 million employed Americans. The working age population has risen by 10.5 million over this same time frame. According to the fine drones at the BLS, almost 8 million Americans willingly decided to leave the workforce during this time and do not count as unemployed.
Profits of the mega-corporations making up the S&P 500 are at all-time highs.
Wall Street Too Big To Fail banks have paid out average bonuses of $130,000 per employee from 2009 through 2011. The average compensation is $350,000.
Wall Street banks reaped $102 billion of profits between 2009 and 2011, as Ben Bernanke bought their toxic debt and continues to loan them hundreds of billions at 0% interest.
Five million Americans lost their homes to foreclosure since 2008.
There will be at least 6 million more foreclosures in the next three years.
Consumer expenditures accounted for 69.7% of GDP in the 2nd quarter of 2008. After three years of supposed austerity consumer expenditures account for 70.7% of GDP.
Senior citizen savers are earning $400 billion less of interest income today than they were in the 2nd quarter of 2008, but don’t worry – Paul Krugman says that has only affected a couple senior citizens. These seniors need to embrace their poverty and learn to love the taste of cat food.
Real GDP went up by $73 billion in the 1st quarter. A full 70% of this increase was due to durable goods purchases by consumers. This increase was solely due to ALLY FINANCIAL (85% owned by the Federal Government) and the rest of the Wall Street banks peddling auto loans to subprime (aka deadbeats) borrowers.
Our beloved leaders have*done so much for so few while impoverishing so many. It makes me so proud to live in the corporate fascist states of America.

The reality is that we have never left recession and are sliding deeper into an ultimate Depression. Enjoy your slavery and keep believing the government and MSM propaganda. Docile sheep are so much easier being led to slaughter.

This is going out to all of the sheeple, upper level management, and yes even some of you potential globalists in NJ.

There are many of us American citizens who have done our own research and are truly awake to the upcoming reality that we face. The question is, are you prepared?

Here are a few items you might want to look into:
-The Patriot Act
-National Defense Resources Preparedness
-Militarization of police
-Council of Governors
-10 FEMA Regions - (Hmm, sounds similar to The Hunger Games doesn't it?)
-DHS just purchased 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets
-DHS just purchased several hundred military swat like vehicles

Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens
The time for denial is over

‘We Are Preparing For Massive Civil War’ Says DHS Informant

You still have a small window of time left to educate yourself and your family. It's now crunch time. The decision is up to you. Either keep your head in the sand and ignore the inevitable or become informed and share your knowledge with others.

This original poster speaks/writes the truth. Let's go back to the Gold Standard.

Nixon took us off the gold standard after the arab oil embargo in 1973
essentially he gave the middle east the middle finger so they would not deplete
the US gold reserve though they can take increasingly worthless dollars , ditto
china. If the US would have remained on the gold standard , the gold (if any)
left in Fort Knox would be long gone . So while from a consumer POV having a gold back dollar makes sense , From an international trade imbalance perspective it would have rendered this country broke 30 years ago let alone now with a 16 trillion debt

So what's your solution?

Plenty of solutions exist unfortunately non are politically correct or expediant.
There are no competent "leaders" in the USA & Western Europe with the balls to
make the necessary choices.
Mark this post in lieu of real leadership , they will fabricate some bogus issue that will result in a conflagration namely WWIII to lift western economies .
Iran , Pakistan , North Korea hell maybe even Greece or Taiwan will reveal the next archduke ferdinand

Insider - Which department did you work and what did you read to get you to this conclusion?

Thing about Alex Jones is that his group is considered extremist and a source of 'disinformation' or 'misinformation'. I would take a look at news from multiple sources in order to read against both main stream media and extremists.

- Money Supply increase will most likely be the next step from the Fed, ECB and IMF.
(This happens over many hours and days via digital money)
- Gold standard may not be the best way, there are other options such as US Govt regulated dollar value. This is an option that is not normal and can cause issues, but at least a solution
- Read news from multiple sources such as Israeli, Canadian, Russian, and Middle Eastern
Haaretz/ Russian Times/ Al Jazeera
- St Louis Fed Reserve does show numbers of serious unemployment rates (real estimates near 17% rather than the traditional 8.3% in media.
- NSA recently invest 2 - 4 Bn in the largest spy agency in Arizona
- Realize that military-industrial complex runs the US/UK and the ROW - this also rumored to include extraterrestrials (proven by Canadian Govt officials who leaked)

Would recommend reading the following if you are behind in the global politics:

1. Confessions of An Economic Hitman - NY Times best seller at one point. Explains World Bank, Bechtel, Halliburton ties and how overestimated projections led to world wide overlending.

2. IMF publications of global economy via the IMF website

3. Read up on Federal Reserve as a 'private organization' owned by today's 'preferred banks'

4. Understand Keynesian vs Adam Smith economics

5. Read up on Money Supply (M3 data) and how Japan is the only country to not consider increasing it vs others

6. Read 5 sources for every 1 source due to the amount of fear mongering, misinformed, extremist and uneducated people.

OH YEAH and the SKY is Falling!!!!!!!!!!! FEAR is still False Evidence Appearing Real!!!! BLah blah blah blah!! Slide a 45 magnum fully loaded right up on your testicles and see how many rounds you can blast off on your testicles before you let go of the 45!!! Fear that!

Like some of us who agree with the Insider have said before. Keep on watching your sports and reality shows. Don't prepare. Keep on name calling, never looking at the facts and doing any kind of personal research on the topics raised in this thread. No matter what you think now, you and everyone you know will be inevitably affected by the coming economic change.

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