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Thoughts about retiring at 55

No one had a policy on covid. Even Fauci the so-called guru changes his mind and policy each week and obviously is flying by the seat of his pants

It’s nothing more than the common cold. Wearing masks and testing is pointless. I just want everyone to wear masks around me and get tested daily And have tons of hand sanitizer and take hydroxy for this hoax.

If these feckless deniers have any courage, they will all sign a DNR and no ventilator clause. Why waste resources on those who will never catch this "hoax"--and I have a family member on a vent right now

10 years at 55 years old. You will have the same choices you did when you were working. A plan for you and your spouse will run approx $1000 per month. It’s a good benefit to have and I am thankful

Whoa! Paying that much per month doesn’t seem like a great benefit at all. How does prescription drug coverage work? Hopefully that’s included or set like branded or generic copays that we pay now. My last company had better medical benefits than NVS.

If these feckless deniers have any courage, they will all sign a DNR and no ventilator clause. Why waste resources on those who will never catch this "hoax"--and I have a family member on a vent right now

You are a moron. Ventilator is for old, sick people and they will be on it for the rest of their

Sorry Bubba, you are the moron. As a former ICU nurse I can assure you the ventilator is not "just for the old people". Hopefully you aren't trying to discuss anything but the weather with your doctors

our age not far off with 4.1 million but still carrying a bigger mortgage. we will sell in next year. Don't stress out over job anymore. more interested in dreaming what our retirement will look like. advise to younger put maximum in 401k and don't buy expensive clothes. Eat out moderately. Have a cocktail before you leave but don't drive. Life is great