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Thoughts about retiring at 55

don't retire! You’ll probably be forced out eventually - why give them the satisfaction?

Here’s what you do: don’t let the assholes into your “kitchen”. You have enough assets rn to retire comfortably, so why the stress?

focus on your health and happiness first. Workout, take care of yourself and bank your paychecks. Based on your assets, you obviously know what you’re doing. Look at other more challenging job opportunities- you can afford to take a risk.

401k, Roth’s (probably don’t qualify), traditional, HSA - max them out and tax defer everything possible. It may make sense to pay off the mortgage- maybe not.

most importantly, if your ABL asks for something, be the first to get it done. Be positive, always. Volunteer to do anything to help the region. And whatever you do, don’t tell anyone your net worth!

I’m 51, left NVS about 10 years ago, pull in > 200k a year and have a net worth >2 mil -I know of what I speak.

You did great! You shouldn’t have a care in the world! Fuck NVS!

You must have a pension to pull in greater than $200k with only a 2mil net worth. The rest of your post i completely agree with. Put every single check towards your mortgage and wait for the severance check!!

Wife has 1M, I have 2.6 with a mortgage. But still 3.6M. over this BS. Both reps that have been good savers. Would live on 100 grand a year. Want to tell my ABL to kiss my hairy A** and get the hell out of here.

If you have a geographically close territory, a good boss, nice customers and an achievable goal I'd prob stay a year or two more. I'm 61, with a similar company and in a similar financial position. Working beyond 55 provided significant income both from salary/bonus as well as from 401k contributions & match. Adding into the 401k and having the stock market increase so much has added a lot of value. You will also increase you social security if you work longer. If, however, the job in intolerable, I would prob quit bc who needs the bs. You might want to use vacation to avoid meetings, ride-alongs, and displays. Good luck!

I was financially ok at 55 but kept going to 61; one month post retirement I was involved in a significant accident that has greatly curtailed my physical ability to be active and do the things I had enjoyed... hindsight is 2020 but I’d gladly take 1/2 of my net worth if I could have my life back.

you should do that. sell all your stocks and pay those huge taxes those investments have gained (under Trump, and actually longer under Obama). You will have to go back to work again because you will paying so much. You're the kind of idiot I enjoy reading about. Most likely it will be Trump or Biden anyway not Sanders or Warren. so funny

HAHAHA. This moron thinks you pay tax on the gains today. No MORON you only pay tax when you withdraw. Which for me would be at 72 when i am in a lower tax bracket. I hope you don't manage your own money what a clown.

Hmmm. You seem to be the idiot.

You do realize you can sell your high-flying equities and buy other less risky assets without paying capital gains, right? You pay the taxes when you take the distribution out of your 401k, ideally when you hit retirement. So your comment is moronic. Sorry.

BTW, Biden is toast and his brain is scrambled. He is drawing fewer than 100 people at his rallies in Iowa.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you the guy is a moron. You are spot on

If you have a geographically close territory, a good boss, nice customers and an achievable goal I'd prob stay a year or two more. I'm 61, with a similar company and in a similar financial position. Working beyond 55 provided significant income both from salary/bonus as well as from 401k contributions & match. Adding into the 401k and having the stock market increase so much has added a lot of value. You will also increase you social security if you work longer. If, however, the job in intolerable, I would prob quit bc who needs the bs. You might want to use vacation to avoid meetings, ride-alongs, and displays. Good luck!

PS If you have a pension and it's still accumulating value staying a year or two could add ~$300-$500 per month to that. I'm not familiar with your plan but most plans are back-loaded so the benefit of collecting at a higher age with a higher avg. salary really pays off.

I retired, 15 years ago, as a Senior Professional after 30 plus years with Sandoz, Novartis, etc. My wife and I jointly had 2 million. We've lived and denied ourselves nothing since then. I removed everything I had through the corporate plan the first day I could after retirement because I did not trust the company to handle it plus I wanted to sever all ties. I turned it over to Zachs to convert and handle into an average risk 401k.. My wife had her own pension plus my 401k and Social Security. We took my wife's health care plan and LTC because Novartis's was terrible and way too expensive.

We do and get whatever we want and when we want. No problems and we've yet to touch the principle. It's grown to 3 million just from market gains and taking 5 percent each year.

I saw this thread and wanted to add our situation. 2 million with 2 solid pensions or 401k plans will give you all you want and more. Home is paid off, New cars, travel first class etc. We both saved 16 percent in our respective plans while working and raising our family. We lived beneath our means also. Now in our early 70's, life is good, don't worry and be happy.

Many thanks for keeping me informed about the industry and the company.

I retired, 15 years ago, as a Senior Professional after 30 plus years with Sandoz, Novartis, etc. My wife and I jointly had 2 million. We've lived and denied ourselves nothing since then. I removed everything I had through the corporate plan the first day I could after retirement because I did not trust the company to handle it plus I wanted to sever all ties. I turned it over to Zachs to convert and handle into an average risk 401k.. My wife had her own pension plus my 401k and Social Security. We took my wife's health care plan and LTC because Novartis's was terrible and way too expensive.

We do and get whatever we want and when we want. No problems and we've yet to touch the principle. It's grown to 3 million just from market gains and taking 5 percent each year.

I saw this thread and wanted to add our situation. 2 million with 2 solid pensions or 401k plans will give you all you want and more. Home is paid off, New cars, travel first class etc. We both saved 16 percent in our respective plans while working and raising our family. We lived beneath our means also. Now in our early 70's, life is good, don't worry and be happy.

Many thanks for keeping me informed about the industry and the company.

Even at 70, I would be so (f'ing) bored not working. It's not about the money, it's about keeping the mind busy. Furthermore, I wouldn't trust my money in an over inflated market. Research what is going on in Venezuela. Some will laugh and that's fine. If history has taught us anything about greed, it has taught us that it doesn't work forever. The entire world is over leveraged, a majority don't live within their means, and nothing is too big to fail.

There is so much to do, I can't imagine being bored. Travel, volunteer, take up a new sport, study a new topic. Sad that your only way to keep your mind busy is doing a mundane job

Even at 70, I would be so (f'ing) bored not working. It's not about the money, it's about keeping the mind busy. Furthermore, I wouldn't trust my money in an over inflated market. Research what is going on in Venezuela. Some will laugh and that's fine. If history has taught us anything about greed, it has taught us that it doesn't work forever. The entire world is over leveraged, a majority don't live within their means, and nothing is too big to fail.

Ok Boomer. Work until 85. WTF is wrong with these old guys

Ok Boomer. Work until 85. WTF is wrong with these old guys
I am 64 year old, just retired, still full of piss and vinegar. I don't know whether I will ever go back to work, (don't have to) but one thing is for sure: NO MORE PHARMA!!!!! Total shit-show compared to what it used to be! And the old days will never come back!!

I worked in Pharma for 17 years. Retired at 42. There are other jobs to transition to outside of Pharma. Start a small business. Pharma was nothing more than to pay the bills and produce money to invest. The few companies I worked for showed very little loyalty to many of their employees. I disliked my job probably 3 years after I started. I stuck it out for the free time the sales job could give me. Now 5 years removed from Pharma, my days are fun and I make my own schedule and run my own business. I can't believe anyone actually enjoys the mundane pharma rep job. I equate the job like buying a boat. It was a great day when I got into the business at 25 years old. It was a better day when I left at 42. The burden was gone and I could make decisions instead of relying on a clueless manager who was really a babysitter. If I didn't invest properly I would be in my late 40's waking up every day saying 15 more years of being unhappy.

I retired from Novartis at 45. At first I just rested. Then I went to law school, although I have never practiced law. I like staying active so I became a high school science teacher. If I told you how much money I had, you would not believe me. I made all of my millions at Novartis. I could buy myself a island if I wanted to. I was one of the four 2010 whistle blowers.

I worked in Pharma for 17 years. Retired at 42. There are other jobs to transition to outside of Pharma. Start a small business. Pharma was nothing more than to pay the bills and produce money to invest. The few companies I worked for showed very little loyalty to many of their employees. I disliked my job probably 3 years after I started. I stuck it out for the free time the sales job could give me. Now 5 years removed from Pharma, my days are fun and I make my own schedule and run my own business. I can't believe anyone actually enjoys the mundane pharma rep job. I equate the job like buying a boat. It was a great day when I got into the business at 25 years old. It was a better day when I left at 42. The burden was gone and I could make decisions instead of relying on a clueless manager who was really a babysitter. If I didn't invest properly I would be in my late 40's waking up every day saying 15 more years of being unhappy.

so, you spent 17 years in a job you hated.

I have yet to meet anyone above 23 who "loves" pharma sales. Most stay because they have found a way not to work, or they can't make any more in another industry. This is especially true in rural states that still have a minimum wage of $7..75. Sadly, too many have been locked in this reality.

so, you spent 17 years in a job you hated.
I would say smart. Used the job for investment money. Was not emotionally involved in the job. Had a goal. Goal was to leave 20 years before retirement age. Achieved goal. Disliked job like many, many people. But instead of bitching or leaving used the opportunity to set and achieve an individual goal. I know the company hates to hear these success stories but I love stories where an employee uses the company more than the company uses the employee.