Thoughts on the Three Stooges

Some background info for you- the Three Stooges were 3 ushh people who came over to MVD, renamed it MVID, and drove it into the ground before being forced out. Their trail of destruction remains forever.

Seven years later and their devastation to the decision still exists. Thanks Mike Margie and Alina for ruining a good thing.

Disconnect between Dr. Julie.Todd Nichols versus the division they run. They say 2012 was best year ever. Directors and managers said we didn't do enough. Can y'all get your dysfuntional leadership on the same page? Seriously!

This year will be a repeat of last year except more reps won't get paid on Zostavax. Hiking up the objective and keeping payout regional is yet another cost cutting measure to ensure the top execs get paid regardless of performance is the norm.

This year will be a repeat of last year except more reps won't get paid on Zostavax. Hiking up the objective and keeping payout regional is yet another cost cutting measure to ensure the top execs get paid regardless of performance is the norm.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gerberding has on her rose colored glasses spreading pixie dust all over the world on her quest to rid the world of diseases with offering our vaccines to poor countries for dirt cheap (some of these same countries would actually love to destroy the U.S. by the way). Did she forget this was a for profit company that isn't doing so well right now?

Todd and his management team have relentlessly let us know how bad things are with all of the cost cutting and non-stop business changes for the worst. This is the worst I have ever seen this division with all of the low morale, micro-management and disorganization.

If anynone can come up with a new title for the current stooge management in MVID, we can retire this thread. At least the orignal stooges are done. The current crew of crap are deserving of a similiar thread of shame and despair.

MVD/MVID has had most of its talent cleaned out, leaving the sludge from tablets that has destroyed all of the specialty divisions.

Is it any surprise that Rotarix, Havrix, Engerix and Pediarix sales have gone up? GSK thanks you for your inept leadership. We are doing so well because those you ousted are an asset.

Splitting up the vaccine division too thin was an epic fail.

Now they are starting up a Pharmacy sales divison. Idiots in charge couldn't leave well enough alone. Merck finally just validated that adult vaccination providers are more reliable in pharmacy rather than in doc offices. Sales folks figure that out a long time ago.

If anynone can come up with a new title for the current stooge management in MVID, we can retire this thread. At least the orignal stooges are done. The current crew of crap are deserving of a similiar thread of shame and despair.

The title can stay. Dr. Gerberding is just a public relations puppet to be the face of vaccines. She is an ex-Government politician with a medical degree but with no corporate business experience, T. Nichols is a tablet kiss ass from Schering Plough, the company we bought, with no vaccine experience put as VP and he is surrounded by DCO's that are tablet kiss asses from Merck GHH who mostly had no experience in vaccines leading the vaccines sales force into the ground morale wise and sales wise because of their lack of experience in vaccines and common sense management. These are the new three stooges!