Thoughts on the Three Stooges

the 3 stooges? you must be referring to hoskins, ortiz, and lighten

It is a term MVD folks use to describe the ushh idiots who took over the Division and tried to turn it into ushh vaccines. Didn't work and now they are all goner but some fine folks were thrown overboard before they were "asked" to leave. 3 people really took a great place down.

One merely has to look on CP, see all the vaccine related threads and comments, especially about a midwest person, and there would be no doubt that morale here is lower than trust and honesty were in USHH clustermates. As I write this, my back is against the wall as you never know where your associates are lurking.

Hang in there. You are not alone.

Thanks for changing our email addresses at the last minute, on Friday. If that was supposed to be a cost cutting measure, how much will it cost for the division to replace all of their business cards?

Now that MVD has been destroyed, there is nothing left for them to ruin. MVD had been running quite well with great leaders and results. Now morale is as low as respect for Congress, respect for the DCOs is even lower than that.

Merck as a whole has been destroyed. If only big time investors would realize how bad the leadership is. Thank God they are starting to figure it out. Investors complained about Peter Kim this year after the Fourth quarter 2012 earning call and he is finally gone. If only these investors could encourage more leadership to leave.

No, the former tablet dweebs who came over and ruined MVD. They changed the name to MVID and then proceeded to slash and burn the entire division until they were eventually all forced out. One "retired" but you get the picture.

Former tablet dweebs have a funny habit of destroying every division within this company. Opthamology, Oncology and MVID all feel the same way about how bad it has become with tablet people taking over these divisions. Consequently, USHH is about five hundred million behind plan which is why we are seeing all of these drastic cost cutting initiatives and more downsizing. Can somebody tell me what is so great about USHH leadership?

Former tablet dweebs have a funny habit of destroying every division within this company. Opthamology, Oncology and MVID all feel the same way about how bad it has become with tablet people taking over these divisions. Consequently, USHH is about five hundred million behind plan which is why we are seeing all of these drastic cost cutting initiatives and more downsizing. Can somebody tell me what is so great about USHH leadership?

They are great at screwing up, screwing people over and blaming others for their inadequate leadership.

Dr. Gerberding and Todd Nichols appear to be following the same course as the stooges which is truly pathetic.

Why are these two letting Tom Lyon waste money on a region meeting for iPad training in Chicago next week? Tom has basically forced his region to learn how to use their iPad at home under the guise of doing "pre-work" iPad training and come to this meeting and hear marketing messages because the marketing team is paying for the region meeting. Waste of money for TL to cover his ass for bad numbers, yet again!

Why are these two letting Tom Lyon waste money on a region meeting for iPad training in Chicago next week? Tom has basically forced his region to learn how to use their iPad at home under the guise of doing "pre-work" iPad training and come to this meeting and hear marketing messages because the marketing team is paying for the region meeting. Waste of money for TL to cover his ass for bad numbers, yet again!

He is still having his management team send last minute emails on pre-work that needs to be done and the meeting starts tomorrow. What the hell!!!