Making fun of a pandemic? Real mature - and you call people little boys - I can almost guarantee that was posted by the new guy. Typical
Making fun of a pandemic? Real mature - and you call people little boys - I can almost guarantee that was posted by the new guy. Typical
My only question is whether the company, wobbly at best during boom times, can survive this 2-3 month stretch with scripts dropping massively? I have a friend at another company that is using this crazy time as an opportunity to thin the ranks. I hope it doesn’t happen here.
Derm is strong!! I’m going to make it even stronger!!!
is a job at this company worth entertaining? Are reps happy and are goals attainable (are majority of people actually earning bonus)? I’m interviewing for an opening in my area but worried about working for a Valeant owned company. Feedback on people’s experience at this company is appreciated. Thanks.
Also, any thoughts on top derm companies to work for right now or are they all in trouble currently?
Top Derm Company is Leo. Thats where all the great Ortho-Derm people went and fled this sinking ship. Read the release of earnings today for Q1. OD LOST $18MM. GTFO!
You are better off working for Avon or Mary Kay.
GD, KP, MP . . . . the list of former OD reps landing at LEO will keep growing. LEO has a IL-17 coming out.
GD, KP, MP . . . . the list of former OD reps landing at LEO will keep growing. LEO has a IL-17 coming out.