Thoughts on Ortho Dermatologics

“Top Derm company is Leo” lololol. Somehow I don’t think the big boys in biologic derm are shaking in their boots over the prospect of competing with fucking Leo. Not by a long shot. Any more than they were shaking in their boots over the prospect of Siliq hitting the market a couple of years ago.
“Top Derm company is Leo” lololol. Somehow I don’t think the big boys in biologic derm are shaking in their boots over the prospect of competing with fucking Leo. Not by a long shot. Any more than they were shaking in their boots over the prospect of Siliq hitting the market a couple of years ago.

If Covid19 doesn't kill OD, the orchestrated effort by the Derms all over the country that BH & his band of merry misfits pissed off will.
LEO is not a step in the right direction. They will F up their launch. You have to have managed care coverage and a patient assistance program to survive in biologics. Those are not LEO’s strengths.
LEO is not a step in the right direction. They will F up their launch. You have to have managed care coverage and a patient assistance program to survive in biologics. Those are not LEO’s strengths.

Who is kidding who? Bill screwed up our launch of SiliQ so bad I was embarrassed we ever had the product in our bags. Not to mention we were led by a group of jackass regional marketing directors who did nothing for our business. Where are they now? Left the company, demoted back down to rep positions or push into professional relations which is a storage closet for people who suck at their job and can't sell.
Who is kidding who? Bill screwed up our launch of SiliQ so bad I was embarrassed we ever had the product in our bags. Not to mention we were led by a group of jackass regional marketing directors who did nothing for our business. Where are they now? Left the company, demoted back down to rep positions or push into professional relations which is a storage closet for people who suck at their job and can't sell.

don't forget the unimpressive launches of Altreno, Bryhali, & the ridiculous line extension of the RAM strengths.

can't wait till all those other IDPs are approved and ready for another unimpressive BH launch!
don't forget the unimpressive launches of Altreno, Bryhali, & the ridiculous line extension of the RAM strengths.

can't wait till all those other IDPs are approved and ready for another unimpressive BH launch!

get ready for the big pandemic launch in June. Do they really expect us to be out in offices all day launching the new branded generic? Can’t even find childcare right now.
Terrible pay and don’t forget risk of getting sick and/or spreading to others as we run from one office to the next...

If you think you’re going to run from one office to the next, you’re out of your mind. Some offices may let you in to drop samples, but very few. Anyone who thinks they will be going back to any semblance of normalcy is clearly smoking something that I want a part of!
100k salary and 150k bonus isn’t too shabby!

Nope, it’s not. Enjoy it while you can. But a bit of friendly advice: don’t adopt a $250k lifestyle because that money is not going to continue. Simple economics tells you that dropping off samples and catering lunches is not worth $250k. Especially when you can’t drop off samples or cater lunch.
If you think you’re going to run from one office to the next, you’re out of your mind. Some offices may let you in to drop samples, but very few. Anyone who thinks they will be going back to any semblance of normalcy is clearly smoking something that I want a part of!

none of us think that but SK expects it. There is pressure to have high number of F2F interactions.
duobrii = branded generic. I'd insist that my doctor prescribe me Skyrizi.

I have an idea for a duobrii T.V. commercial. bausch should do a skit from the "Silence of the Lambs" where Buffalo Bill is looking down the well at the Senator's daughter and says, "It rubs the lotion on its skin, it does so when its told." Zoom in on the duobrii tube as Buffalo Bill lowers it down in the basket to the Senator’s daughter. Done.
someone had way too much boones farm before they tried to type a character assassination attempt! what a loser you are, LOL!

Na, you still the racist, self righteous, alcoholic megalomaniac mean girl.

why you so worried about an aging stupid sorirtyslut looking bag Christina? just look at her corporate picutre on line is the comb over is pathetic as is her lack of making decisions and otherwise making bad ones that cost millions. no one likes her or trusts her, but you lainine keep correcting typos and acting racially superior because you found a typo/ you should read your work at IBM an d Merck. total garbage total crap i guess at least you dress normal, but then again, christina's close only come in one size fuck toy and aging fuck toy.