This company is terrible

Well get on then. Bunch of whiney morons. The direction is clear, the job is easy. Just get out there and get it done! You can't always be spoon fed and have your hand held. Clearly, you both will always be working for the man and never amount to anything significant. Just another "rep" in their 50's peddling along.

you think so? rhetorically speaking, what's your age? you've always had to try to demean others to raise yourself up? no doubt it's your management style; which is why this is a shit place to work at. little direction.

How much direction do you need? Get out there and make it happen grandpa!

oh, i will. but first, i'm continuing to build my client rolodex. it's no big deal. i'll just go to one of several other outfits like natera and take most of my client with me. this is what this company, you and others like you have fostered. don't congratulate me and i'm not alone in this thinking. btw.....are you related to ks? you sound like one of the many skirts he chases after.

oh, i will. but first, i'm continuing to build my client rolodex. it's no big deal. i'll just go to one of several other outfits like natera and take most of my client with me. this is what this company, you and others like you have fostered. don't congratulate me and i'm not alone in this thinking. btw.....are you related to ks? you sound like one of the many skirts he chases after.

Don't flatter yourself. Your "clients" don't like you as much as you may think. You are, at the end of the day, another sales rep. It's not always about the relationships. Just google all the physicians in your territory and boom, the Rolodex you get from doing that is as valuable as that you are building. No, not related to KS. Not a skirt either. However, I think it's funny how elementary some are on this board with the slander.

Don't flatter yourself. Your "clients" don't like you as much as you may think. You are, at the end of the day, another sales rep. It's not always about the relationships. Just google all the physicians in your territory and boom, the Rolodex you get from doing that is as valuable as that you are building. No, not related to KS. Not a skirt either. However, I think it's funny how elementary some are on this board with the slander.

*Drops Mic*

Don't flatter yourself. Your "clients" don't like you as much as you may think. You are, at the end of the day, another sales rep. It's not always about the relationships. Just google all the physicians in your territory and boom, the Rolodex you get from doing that is as valuable as that you are building. No, not related to KS. Not a skirt either. However, I think it's funny how elementary some are on this board with the slander.'re contradicting yourself loser. of course, it's not always about the relationships, BUT......relationships do play a strong part. You must be another c average student who came out of college not knowing really what you wanted to do so you got a job in medical. Then, over time you narrowed it down to this. I already know you're still a c-average rep. Relationships are important. Do you do followups? Why? What else do you do for your "clients"? Why? So that they'll pay you? They'll use your genetic tests? LOL're contradicting yourself loser. of course, it's not always about the relationships, BUT......relationships do play a strong part. You must be another c average student who came out of college not knowing really what you wanted to do so you got a job in medical. Then, over time you narrowed it down to this. I already know you're still a c-average rep. Relationships are important. Do you do followups? Why? What else do you do for your "clients"? Why? So that they'll pay you? They'll use your genetic tests? LOL

You make absolutely no sense. Quit baffling away old man. I would run circles around you.'re contradicting yourself loser. of course, it's not always about the relationships, BUT......relationships do play a strong part. You must be another c average student who came out of college not knowing really what you wanted to do so you got a job in medical. Then, over time you narrowed it down to this. I already know you're still a c-average rep. Relationships are important. Do you do followups? Why? What else do you do for your "clients"? Why? So that they'll pay you? They'll use your genetic tests? LOL

You know how I know you are old? You use terms like "loser" and "c average student" of which I have never been. But, whatever makes you feel better buddy. Find a new job already, your life is miserable and everyone can see it.

You know how I know you are old? You use terms like "loser" and "c average student" of which I have never been. But, whatever makes you feel better buddy. Find a new job already, your life is miserable and everyone can see it.

i think the same thing could be said about you. how much time do you spend here anyways?

i think the same thing could be said about you. how much time do you spend here anyways?

Enough to gain the most insightful information into your pathetic existence. To answer honestly, not too many of my hours are spent on CP. Just a quick check of the Natera board and I'm off. I haven't really responded to much until I kept reading someone (now presumably you) who kept going on and on like a whiny 90's sad love song about how terrible the company is blah blah. I couldn't take it much more and here we are, having a dialogue of sorts. I wish you the best, I really do. I hope you can find solace in another company of your choosing where management can guide you a little better and be there for you when you need them. I hate that you are frustrated with the same company I am happy at. I only hope for everyones happiness in life, we only live one. Get on now brother. It isn't too late.

Enough to gain the most insightful information into your pathetic existence. To answer honestly, not too many of my hours are spent on CP. Just a quick check of the Natera board and I'm off. I haven't really responded to much until I kept reading someone (now presumably you) who kept going on and on like a whiny 90's sad love song about how terrible the company is blah blah. I couldn't take it much more and here we are, having a dialogue of sorts. I wish you the best, I really do. I hope you can find solace in another company of your choosing where management can guide you a little better and be there for you when you need them. I hate that you are frustrated with the same company I am happy at. I only hope for everyones happiness in life, we only live one. Get on now brother. It isn't too late.

you sound like a snot-nosed kid in their mid-20's who has a little person complex.

you sound like a snot-nosed kid in their mid-20's who has a little person complex.

Get your hearing aid fixed old man, you couldn't be more wrong. Sounds like a nerve was struck though. Apologies. I do wish the best for everyone. Go somewhere else and be happy though. Seriously, life is too short to spend miserable at a place you don't want to be.

Get your hearing aid fixed old man, you couldn't be more wrong. Sounds like a nerve was struck though. Apologies. I do wish the best for everyone. Go somewhere else and be happy though. Seriously, life is too short to spend miserable at a place you don't want to be.

He may have been wrong about your age, but not your level of immaturity.

He may have been wrong about your age, but not your level of immaturity.

Ok, in what way was the reply immature? Saying someone should go somewhere they are happy? Apologizing? I'm confused and after reading back to his supposed comments before, it seems he had a bit of immaturity and hostility as well. Two sides to that coin. Good for you 2nd guy for sticking up for a perceivably good company. Some people can dish it out and complain but the minute someone says anything back it's taken as immature and rude and whatever choice words.

I love working for Natera! Great company with amazing products and I sell tests that make an impact helping people conceive and deliver! Not all of the CFS team is disgruntled!