This company is terrible

Padding your numbers...having your manager tell you to begin accepting samples from an office that is 95% Medicaid...writing it off since the company gets zero from Medicaid....artificially inflating your numbers. On paper it looks like great growth but the company gets paid's a house of cards...ponzy scheme. There will be no IPO...they are trying everything to artificially inflate test volume, regardless of reimbursement. Enjoy your "career"...that place is a joke, managers are jokes, test is a joke, no peer reviewed study ever...robbing insurance companies blind...14 grand for carrier screen?? Really?

Really?? And you are......a character-filled, fine upstanding employee taking it upon yourself to point out the flaws in everyone else except yourself??? You make a fantastic Victim!! It's everyone else that sucks not me! I didn't get trained! No one showed me where this is or how to do that!! Go back to middle school you shrew! It's you that is a pox for this company!

lmao.......the above poster just still cracks me up. Whenever I want a good laugh I come back here and read his comment. I pray I'll be in a position soon to be able to interview former Natera employees; particularly former managers. I have this thing about karma.

Breaking News - Over zealous leadership has come to the conclusion they hired too Many too quick. A cut is about to happen and they will consolidate territories. The ship is sinking. Beware! You have been warned.

Breaking News - Over zealous leadership has come to the conclusion they hired too Many too quick. A cut is about to happen and they will consolidate territories. The ship is sinking. Beware! You have been warned.

LMAO!!!!! What has EVERYONE been saying directly and indirectly??? Then you have our companies management team swoop in CP and try to tell everyone different?

Breaking News - Over zealous leadership has come to the conclusion they hired too Many too quick. A cut is about to happen and they will consolidate territories. The ship is sinking. Beware! You have been warned.

HAHAHAHAHA............what did I tell you?? I said in February that this would happen within to 5 months.