Amen! Well said. If you are an employee and that unhappy then leave. Natera always does the right thing and a great company. I think the poster is a troll...
omg....what sheeple. Putz.
Amen! Well said. If you are an employee and that unhappy then leave. Natera always does the right thing and a great company. I think the poster is a troll...
This company is a joke. House of cards ready to crumble the minute they sell. Expand the sales force to get fake tests in the door, not getting paid for tests, managers directing you to pad your numbers with Medicaid, knowing we won't get paid on them, hiring their buddies from Conceptus....unethical, evil company.
I find it fascinating how this board had very few whiners & complainers on it and as soon as the mass-hiring started, the new hires were trained & the IPO became more of a focus, we see posts like this. To the OP: don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you sweetheart! You are cancer to this good company! Leave now because there are plenty of more qualified individuals that want to join a team and want to work to achieve success because they have more character and integrity in their little finger than you've had in your miserable, spoiled, entitled life!! Run away because we no longer need or want your dead weight around here!
Hire a salesforce to get fake tests in the door? So, what...all reps are out there drawing the blood of random prego women to "pad" the numbers? How can a "fake" test be submitted?, it must really suck to feel so miserable all the time to bad mouth people and companies on CP...
Yep. Everyone who wasn't hired and obviously are still looking for jobs have decided to spend their day on Natera board talking shit instead of the other boards for companies they are looking into for jobs, because obviously you weren't selected for this company. Piece of advice: all CP boards are filled with hatred and misinformation, so if you are still down and out because you weren't hired and looking for a new job, I'd advise staying off this website and continue to work on your resume and interviewing skills..
Positioning myself to take your job !! Doesn't require much effort, keep doing what your doing
And she is from the soft white underbelly of fromunda cheese that delivers the S sleeze
From what I see and from what my experience interacting with our company's management is that most of them are smegma.
Really?? And you are......a character-filled, fine upstanding employee taking it upon yourself to point out the flaws in everyone else except yourself??? You make a fantastic Victim!! It's everyone else that sucks not me! I didn't get trained! No one showed me where this is or how to do that!! Go back to middle school you shrew! It's you that is a pox for this company!
WTF, one of my docs handed me a bill from a patient that was $7000. Has anyone else experienced this?
WTF, one of my docs handed me a bill from a patient that was $7000. Has anyone else experienced this?