This company is terrible


I was just hired a couple months ago. I've been in lab sales for over 5 years and left my company because I though the culture would be awesome....I was wrong, this is the most mismanaged confusing ambiguous job I have ever had..ever. For those that think it is awesome, more power to you and you must have considerably more brain power than me because I cannot figure out what direction to go. By far you have to agree that training was an absolute joke. Best of luck to all of you, I am outta here..running out of this cluster fu$k as quick as I can. Cannot wait to put my notice in and never look back.

I too will be departing soon. This place is simply out of control. Crappy leadership, embarrassing reimbursement messaging, inept RD's, and senior directors who don't care about anything but the IPO.

I can't wait to get out of here.

Well get on then. Bunch of whiney morons. The direction is clear, the job is easy. Just get out there and get it done! You can't always be spoon fed and have your hand held. Clearly, you both will always be working for the man and never amount to anything significant. Just another "rep" in their 50's peddling along.

Well get on then. Bunch of whiney morons. The direction is clear, the job is easy. Just get out there and get it done! You can't always be spoon fed and have your hand held. Clearly, you both will always be working for the man and never amount to anything significant. Just another "rep" in their 50's peddling along.

Thanks RH and you wouldn't even be here if you weren't buds with PM

Well get on then. Bunch of whiney morons. The direction is clear, the job is easy. Just get out there and get it done! You can't always be spoon fed and have your hand held. Clearly, you both will always be working for the man and never amount to anything significant. Just another "rep" in their 50's peddling along.

Nope not even close, if your happy, then I am happy for you. Go ahead and enjoy, Ill take a more ethical and specific career choice. And working for the man? Christ, Im not in my 50's but we all can tell you are, what happened, the local ford dealership promote you to floor manager and then after closing in a spectacular manner on options you found Natera..great job and they both work in the same how much does this test/car cost....dont worry, we will work with you.....please you wonderful moron.

KS is a great guy and great AD. You are obviously a lazy mediocre at best rep!

I am not and he is too. I think he is a good example of what is wrong with this company. Obviously, you're part of the problem with the culture here. All of you have big problems coming your way very soon in the form of rep and patients.

what a freakin lame-ass comment that exemplifies what's wrong with the mentality of our management.

How is stating that someone is a great guy and great AD a lame ass comment?? Different poster here and I think KD is a great guy as well. Not sure why so many have hostility towards others, especially management. If you were in their shoes, the same things would be said about you on this dumb ass forum.

Isn't great to be in the fetal position every day? I just love being in an environment that promotes back stabbing on a daily basis. I get home, put down my bag, pop open a brew and relish the fact of how many I screwed over today. Tomorrow I think Ill fed ex in specimens from all my kids just to pad my #s .

Isn't great to be in the fetal position every day? I just love being in an environment that promotes back stabbing on a daily basis. I get home, put down my bag, pop open a brew and relish the fact of how many I screwed over today. Tomorrow I think Ill fed ex in specimens from all my kids just to pad my #s .

You're an couldn't send in specimen from your kids due to the simple fact that we only collect blood from pregnant women. You clearly are bad with jokes or another troll who has no idea what we do...aka complete loser.

I was just hired a couple months ago. I've been in lab sales for over 5 years and left my company because I though the culture would be awesome....I was wrong, this is the most mismanaged confusing ambiguous job I have ever had..ever. For those that think it is awesome, more power to you and you must have considerably more brain power than me because I cannot figure out what direction to go. By far you have to agree that training was an absolute joke. Best of luck to all of you, I am outta here..running out of this cluster fu$k as quick as I can. Cannot wait to put my notice in and never look back.

I find it fascinating how this board had very few whiners & complainers on it and as soon as the mass-hiring started, the new hires were trained & the IPO became more of a focus, we see posts like this. To the OP: don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you sweetheart! You are cancer to this good company! Leave now because there are plenty of more qualified individuals that want to join a team and want to work to achieve success because they have more character and integrity in their little finger than you've had in your miserable, spoiled, entitled life!! Run away because we no longer need or want your dead weight around here!

I find it fascinating how this board had very few whiners & complainers on it and as soon as the mass-hiring started, the new hires were trained & the IPO became more of a focus, we see posts like this. To the OP: don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you sweetheart! You are cancer to this good company! Leave now because there are plenty of more qualified individuals that want to join a team and want to work to achieve success because they have more character and integrity in their little finger than you've had in your miserable, spoiled, entitled life!! Run away because we no longer need or want your dead weight around here!

LMAO. I interviewed and declined. Your company is worthless. Yes. There's always some naive good reps out there wishing for the moon and they come aboard thinking it'll be a good career move. f@#% them and they find out the hard way.