Thinking of joining

Investigations, HR violations, No People skills...arrogance, incompetence, hypercritical, backstabbing, passive aggressive game playing, and lack of leadership. This is the leadership CLT that exists at our company. No accountability for bad decisions and point fingers. Take full accountability for bump in Eylea due to shortage of Avastin. One of theses assholes will get an award for last quarter. Retina specialists have a declining feeling of confidence in Regeneron. It’s ok though, because let the good people leave and the new hires become Astra Zeneca like Marion’s pedigree. If we had a CEO who wasn’t snowed so much and gave a shit, these clowns would be gone.

MMc, RO, PW, and MS are by far and bar none the worst leaders you will ever encounter in the industry. They promote a toxic, distrustful, and disrespectful environment. Some of the truly worst people you will ever run into who live and die by being frauds. They could give a shit about their people because they only care about themselves and kissing their direct boss’ ass for personal gain. They have the poorest self awareness ever and pass critical judgement on just about everyone. Damn shame they are driving people out and they actually see people leaving as a necessary cleansing and addition by subtraction. Unfortunately, the earnings report will reflect an Avastin shortage and consequently spike the sales in the positive. They will celebrate themselves and tell the sales force to sell, sell, sell. All meaningful retina relationships are being severed by turnover (HR doesn’t see this nor do they care), unnecessary primary care tactics, and mirrored counterparts from MMc’s AZ playbook from 1996.

When they retire, they will retire with no real friends. They are fake. You can see right through them. I love it-they have no self awareness-so true! Son of a bitch leadership-and youre right, they don't care. Push 'em out and replace with millennials. See where that lands their sorry asses down the road.

What will end up happening is they will get an offer from another company for more money and leave, never being able to honestly say they did something. They can hide for a year or two, make up a bunch of bullshit they think they accomplished. None of it will be true. And so their career will go like this. But it will end. And, they won't even be able to shake Karma. Their own kids probably don't even like them.

Investigations, HR violations, No People skills...arrogance, incompetence, hypercritical, backstabbing, passive aggressive game playing, and lack of leadership. This is the leadership CLT that exists at our company. No accountability for bad decisions and point fingers. Take full accountability for bump in Eylea due to shortage of Avastin. One of theses assholes will get an award for last quarter. Retina specialists have a declining feeling of confidence in Regeneron. It’s ok though, because let the good people leave and the new hires become Astra Zeneca like Marion’s pedigree. If we had a CEO who wasn’t snowed so much and gave a shit, these clowns would be gone.

This describes Dickie O

Sounds like the baby needs his baba and has a dirty diaper too. Poor little boo boo, get off the teet you lazy ass rep

Home office people are so damn jealous. Just because they are sequestered 9-10 hours a day in non-stop meetings "thinking they make a difference" while reps have almost total autonomy every day does not mean they should be bitter.

Home office people are so damn jealous. Just because they are sequestered 9-10 hours a day in non-stop meetings "thinking they make a difference" while reps have almost total autonomy every day does not mean they should be bitter.

Just saw this very text on another complaint post. Apparently copy and paste is the easy way out