Thinking of joining

Where are you joining? We’re giving Praluent to Sanofi in 2019 so if that’s your destination and you’re in Commercial I’d avoid, if you’re in RD then you’ll be ol. Also lots of questions on RA and Libtayo so caution is advised. Good luck to you.

Praluent being given to Sanofi, huh? Yeah right fuck ass

Praluent being given to Sanofi, huh? Yeah right fuck ass
It’s not so the math is pretty simple rebates are 50 to 70 percent so that means a prescription is worth about 4500 a year and most patients stay on for 5 months so that’s like 2500 and that’s before coats for us as sales and marketing and fas so the company is losing probably a hundred million a year or more that’s not a good business and no one in their right mind would do that so just chill and actually do some numbers and see the math don’t work Holmes and when they compare us to the other products we look horrible it’s over son, it’s over

dont do the CV side. we continue to lose and will into the future. our label is good, but not any better than the competitor, but we're spinning it and will lose credibility in the end. The pressure of selling in this generic market with a mediocre outcome study wont change payer criteria. We'll be talking about this same thing this time next year-if we're still available. Dont do it.

Oh and one other thing. The management sucks. Constant field rides with un-fricking-believable "coaching." Yeah

Great company and products, and if you’re looking for a stepping stone in your career.
Play the game for a few years, increase your skill set, salary, benefits, etc....
Culture is gone; field teams not valued. More and more people moving on. It’s unfortunate but it was a matter of time.
Stay away from CV team, leadership turnover, minimal budget, signs it may downsize end of the year.

This is not a desirable place to land unless you absolutely need a job. The CEO hates Commercial and thinks that MMc is amazing. MMc is in way over her head and trusts no one. Her best friend on the planet is RO who thinks she hung the moon. He also takes great pride in referring to MMc as a girl scout with a gun in her skirt. Basically, she’s a game player who acts nice but is really nasty. How wonderful. Both are judgmental, distrustful, unethical, and have a shit ton of arrogance. They are making the place toxic and are paper pushing busy work big pharma non-leaders. They care about themselves and their direct boss...that’s it. Both are phony and have developed a terrible reputation in the industry. They have had great difficulty in landing strong talent despite their “exploratory” interviews with former Amgen and Amgen lineage prospects. Two of their hand picked cronies left within 3 and 5 months respectively. HR won’t do anything about MMc because SP hired her and doesn’t want anyone calling her baby ugly. The turnover rate has and will continue to spike in pretty much every business unit.

Oh yeah...the equity sucks, the Sanofi Alliance is lethal, Praluent will go away, Eylea is losing people left and right, they added a 30 person sales team that has no value for a very small new indication....What’s not to love about this place. And then...there’s the CLT...Dr. Suess has no concept on how to treat people.

Well written and very accurate. The culture really is toxic. Particularly on the CV side where the numbers continue to slide. Or they aren't increasing fast enough for them. The degree of micromanaging, the bullshit administrative shit, the nit-pick word fucking smithing are beyond real.

That being said-if you like big pharma meetings where we do tons of role playing shit, have mandatory evening functions, hang around stone fucking drunks who stab you in the back the next day or shortly thereafter, if you like phoney ass presentations that are filled with fluff instead of content, if you like keeping your head buried in the fucking sand and pretend that all is well, if you like being told that you only have so much money to spend on a group dinner, if you like absolute bullshit of playing along with the piss poor management style and personalities, if you like the feeling of knowing the person you just talked to and acted like they were a good friend of yours and you know they talk about you the minute you leave, then its a great fucking place to work! And, if you like these bullshit field rides that have become worse and worse as time goes on, this is the place! They like the pressure it puts on you, but they don't care. In fact, they like it. If you like weekly, teleconferences on a Friday afternoon, this is a great place to be.

Last tidbit-if you like having your bonus cut by 20% after the quarter results are in, this is a great place. They will never come clean with why it really happened.

It will come to an end though. Litigation will kill us. Its just a matter of time. For Praluent anyway.

The last 2 posts are dead on! This place is just awful. Dupixent folks are blind to what is going on in the rest of the organization. They are in for a rude awakening as all the pressure mounts on them to support the company.

god this place reeks!

can we get some real leadership/managers?

do we need to be treated like little people?

hey metabolic marketing team-get your shit together please! we are getting our asses kicked and it gets worse

german outcome coming to US soon

be prepared. think i remember someone warning all of us to get things in order many moths ago?

Fish rots from the head. Poor Leadership and bad characters. Everyone is looking for new jobs. MMc is out of her mind and is ethically challenged. Her CLT are miscast to be nice. They are proud to “over inspect” and be hyper critical of their field teams. Two-faced, lack integrity, zero executive presence and they love to through that bullshit line around. If these CLT fuckers are the definition of executive presence they are delusional and self important pompous asses.