were about to lose the product so I’d say don’t do it
Where are you joining? We’re giving Praluent to Sanofi in 2019 so if that’s your destination and you’re in Commercial I’d avoid, if you’re in RD then you’ll be ol. Also lots of questions on RA and Libtayo so caution is advised. Good luck to you.
It’s not so the math is pretty simple rebates are 50 to 70 percent so that means a prescription is worth about 4500 a year and most patients stay on for 5 months so that’s like 2500 and that’s before coats for us as sales and marketing and fas so the company is losing probably a hundred million a year or more that’s not a good business and no one in their right mind would do that so just chill and actually do some numbers and see the math don’t work Holmes and when they compare us to the other products we look horrible it’s over son, it’s overPraluent being given to Sanofi, huh? Yeah right fuck ass
we stole another company’s technology for two of our products then they had the nerve to sue us we should know more in March if we still have a company so check back
We stole another companies technology? Yeah right shit ass. You've obviously never been to the home office.
BTW, The feds are on to you. If you don't quit illegally monitoring communication, I will personally file charges against each individual security employee at REGN. Nice, hope those pay and BJs worth you violating federal law. DVP will make it up to your wives. LOL.