Thinking about applying to Jazz Pharma


Hello Jazz Community

I have been thinking of applying to Clinical Development in Jazz Pharma, but want to get honest (possibly constructive) feedback about the company. I am not getting vaxed and would like to know if the organization is toxic (as noted in some of this thread, and why?


Hello Jazz Community

I have been thinking of applying to Clinical Development in Jazz Pharma, but want to get honest (possibly constructive) feedback about the company. I am not getting vaxed and would like to know if the organization is toxic (as noted in some of this thread, and why?
GFY. Tool.

these are the imbeciles that have caused out country (despite developing the best vaccine in the world) manage this pandemic so poorly to date. we used to be a country that respected science and evidence based medicine - now we are taking de-worming Vet drugs, refusing COVID exists, and screaming about personal freedoms. We have fallen as a country.

Hello Jazz Community

I have been thinking of applying to Clinical Development in Jazz Pharma, but want to get honest (possibly constructive) feedback about the company. I am not getting vaxed and would like to know if the organization is toxic (as noted in some of this thread, and why?
Go ask Bill, Oh wait a minute, he got murdered at our NSM a few years ago.

Jazz is just a passive aggressive version of CSL Behring. At least at CSL they say it to your face. At Jazz, leadership pats you on the shoulder with one hand and stabs you in the back with the other. This is Jabba The Bruce’s dream going down the tubes.


I foresee 2022 at Jazz being worse than 2021. Our woke leader will ramp up his initiatives and the rotund one’s sycophants will continue to cheer, though these brown-nosing cowards will complain privately. I’m looking forward to more drag queen bingo and multiple snubs of the contributions of veterans. I will say that I’m very much looking forward to the weekly update from BC after the November midterms. I might enjoy the weekend and may get somewhat emotional.

I foresee 2022 at Jazz being worse than 2021. Our woke leader will ramp up his initiatives and the rotund one’s sycophants will continue to cheer, though these brown-nosing cowards will complain privately. I’m looking forward to more drag queen bingo and multiple snubs of the contributions of veterans. I will say that I’m very much looking forward to the weekly update from BC after the November midterms. I might enjoy the weekend and may get somewhat emotional.

must suck to be you poor lonely bastard get a life