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The wealthy Christians of Houston

The above written by one of the zombies who watches Fox faux news fabricated by the Koch brothers to feed the minds of the deplorable right wing Christians so their coal and oil empire continues to rule. Hope you live right in the path of Irma. Most don't deserve it but you do.

The above written by a brain dead libtard who you will notice dodged all of the questions I posed and instead only attacked me, Fox, the Koch brothers and Christianity. Then in typical liberal compassion fashion he wishes a hurricane on me.

His is a stunning display of nastiness and intellectual incompetence. Both very common traits of liberals.

The above written by a brain dead libtard who you will notice dodged all of the questions I posed and instead only attacked me, Fox, the Koch brothers and Christianity. Then in typical liberal compassion fashion he wishes a hurricane on me.

His is a stunning display of nastiness and intellectual incompetence. Both very common traits of liberals.
These money greedy people such as the Koch brothers and bias Fox news are not true Christian s and what they preach is a total condicting of what is true. Talking about hating people and not give ing poor people a break. That is not Christ like. Did you know that Koch brothers nanny was a Nazi sympathizer. What so Christian about careing about money so much that you destroy your own environment and cause mayham and chaos for others? You know you can be a Christian without being a right wing nut job. I wouldn't wish a hurricane on them, only that they would just be fair. Which is not going to happen. Oh well, damn I want some shrimp tacos. Lol:):p

The above written by a brain dead libtard who you will notice dodged all of the questions I posed and instead only attacked me, Fox, the Koch brothers and Christianity. Then in typical liberal compassion fashion he wishes a hurricane on me.

His is a stunning display of nastiness and intellectual incompetence. Both very common traits of liberals.
Your talking points were written by Koch brother sponsored hacks. 97% of real scientists believe that the climate is changing and human use of fossil fuels is speeding up changes to our climate thus provoking more violent storms. The only question is can we do anything to make a difference. I chose to go with premise that we can do a lot if the corporate greedy oil and coal lobby got out of the way. Change is slow but can help my children and grandchildrens world. Sorry you are stuck in denial.

These money greedy people such as the Koch brothers and bias Fox news are not true Christian s and what they preach is a total condicting of what is true. Talking about hating people and not give ing poor people a break. That is not Christ like. Did you know that Koch brothers nanny was a Nazi sympathizer. What so Christian about careing about money so much that you destroy your own environment and cause mayham and chaos for others? You know you can be a Christian without being a right wing nut job. I wouldn't wish a hurricane on them, only that they would just be fair. Which is not going to happen. Oh well, damn I want some shrimp tacos. Lol:):p
Enjoy the shrimp before the gulf becomes polluted with all the petroleum leaking into it and then eat shrimp at your own peril!

Your talking points were written by Koch brother sponsored hacks. 97% of real scientists believe that the climate is changing and human use of fossil fuels is speeding up changes to our climate thus provoking more violent storms. The only question is can we do anything to make a difference. I chose to go with premise that we can do a lot if the corporate greedy oil and coal lobby got out of the way. Change is slow but can help my children and grandchildrens world. Sorry you are stuck in denial.

You're a coward and a liar and you have completely lost this argument with me.

When you work up enough courage to try to answer my questions, come back.

Anything else will just add to your humiliation at my hands! :D