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The wealthy Christians of Houston

Explain that to people in Florida right now. Heat produces more energy or unless I've been watching fake news the ice caps are melting and the ocean is heating up thus more violent storms. Only hope Irma heads straight to Mar A Lago and takes out Rush Limbaugh too!!!!

You have been watching fake news. And it doesn't help that you're a gullible fool!

But what authority gives that old book credibility? It's ancient and for the most part irrelevant.

LOL! It's the foundation of Western Civilization, idiot boy!

It's timeless and totally relevant!

You're nothing more than an immoral and stupid neopagan. You're regressive! You want to roll back the advances that The Bible has given us!

And these are facts. You're entitled to your own deranged opinions but not your own facts! You lose on the merits again!

You have been watching fake news. And it doesn't help that you're a gullible fool!
No I actually studied physics and the laws of thermodynamics. Why don't you turn off Fox News and get a book and read about these concepts. Maybe then you will realize the role humans play in speeding up climate change. It's not too late to implement changes but honesty people like you have simply not evolved enough I fear. Luckily there are countries wanting to make changes but America a huge culprit. Even China where you can hardly breathe wants all electric cars by 2017. Their people will benefit by being leaders in tech while Americans hang onto coal and oil. Americans put their kids into sports while Chinese and others get their kids in coding and math classes. Dumb country

No I actually studied physics and the laws of thermodynamics. Why don't you turn off Fox News and get a book and read about these concepts. Maybe then you will realize the role humans play in speeding up climate change. It's not too late to implement changes but honesty people like you have simply not evolved enough I fear. Luckily there are countries wanting to make changes but America a huge culprit. Even China where you can hardly breathe wants all electric cars by 2017. Their people will benefit by being leaders in tech while Americans hang onto coal and oil. Americans put their kids into sports while Chinese and others get their kids in coding and math classes. Dumb country
So damn dumb they don't know nationalities from race. Lol Talking about the foreigners need to learn our language, it's like look dumb ass they do know our language, most countries teach English to their people as a secondly language, most are bilaugal and trilaugal, where Americans usually can only speak one language English and not even that well. Slang is not a language. Why they talking. Lol

Explain that to people in Florida right now. Heat produces more energy or unless I've been watching fake news the ice caps are melting and the ocean is heating up thus more violent storms. Only hope Irma heads straight to Mar A Lago and takes out Rush Limbaugh too!!!!
Yeah, who would have thought, that a Hurricane would EVER hit Florida. The Ice Caps are not melting dipshit. Algore said that they would be gone by now. Rush and our glorious President both have good insurance. Them I am not worried about. More worried about my Niece who had to stay for her job and my Brother's house down there. Now if your double-wide were down there instead of in the backwater place that you live now, you'd be fucked.

Yeah, who would have thought, that a Hurricane would EVER hit Florida. The Ice Caps are not melting dipshit. Algore said that they would be gone by now. Rush and our glorious President both have good insurance. Them I am not worried about. More worried about my Niece who had to stay for her job and my Brother's house down there. Now if your double-wide were down there instead of in the backwater place that you live now, you'd be fucked.
Iam sorry that's happening to your family in Fl, it really does suck what happened down there. I'll pray for them.

No I actually studied physics and the laws of thermodynamics. Why don't you turn off Fox News and get a book and read about these concepts. Maybe then you will realize the role humans play in speeding up climate change. It's not too late to implement changes but honesty people like you have simply not evolved enough I fear. Luckily there are countries wanting to make changes but America a huge culprit. Even China where you can hardly breathe wants all electric cars by 2017. Their people will benefit by being leaders in tech while Americans hang onto coal and oil. Americans put their kids into sports while Chinese and others get their kids in coding and math classes. Dumb country

You are an ignoramus and a fool. There is no reason to believe that human activity significantly impacts climate.

I can destroy you with two simple questions and one statement.

First the statement. The climate change models that they create are never correct. The value of a theory is its predictive value. Climate change has none.

The questions.

What is the ideal temperature for the earth? What is the ideal climate?

Has there been cataclysmic climate change int the past which had absolutely nothing to do with human activity?

See, I've already destroyed your contentions....completely!

And this is before we get into the real data which also supports my position!

So damn dumb they don't know nationalities from race. Lol Talking about the foreigners need to learn our language, it's like look dumb ass they do know our language, most countries teach English to their people as a secondly language, most are bilaugal and trilaugal, where Americans usually can only speak one language English and not even that well. Slang is not a language. Why they talking. Lol

Great job of condemning yourself! You actually made some sense on this one! :D

Great job of condemning yourself! You actually made some sense on this one! :D
Whatever, I never proclaim to be the smartest person in the world, unlike you who can't see anyone else point of view but your own. That is where you are not smarter than anyone else, because you are not willing to keep an open mind.lol:)

Whatever, I never proclaim to be the smartest person in the world, unlike you who can't see anyone else point of view but your own. That is where you are not smarter than anyone else, because you are not willing to keep an open mind.lol:)

Wrong! But hey, you did do a great job of condemning yourself!

You are an ignoramus and a fool. There is no reason to believe that human activity significantly impacts climate.

I can destroy you with two simple questions and one statement.

First the statement. The climate change models that they create are never correct. The value of a theory is its predictive value. Climate change has none.

The questions.

What is the ideal temperature for the earth? What is the ideal climate?

Has there been cataclysmic climate change int the past which had absolutely nothing to do with human activity?

See, I've already destroyed your contentions....completely!

And this is before we get into the real data which also supports my position!

You are an ignoramus and a fool. There is no reason to believe that human activity significantly impacts climate.

I can destroy you with two simple questions and one statement.

First the statement. The climate change models that they create are never correct. The value of a theory is its predictive value. Climate change has none.

The questions.

What is the ideal temperature for the earth? What is the ideal climate?

Has there been cataclysmic climate change int the past which had absolutely nothing to do with human activity?

See, I've already destroyed your contentions....completely!

And this is before we get into the real data which also supports my position!
The above written by one of the zombies who watches Fox faux news fabricated by the Koch brothers to feed the minds of the deplorable right wing Christians so their coal and oil empire continues to rule. Hope you live right in the path of Irma. Most don't deserve it but you do.