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The turnover here.........................the truth


Bored as hell and I wanna get ill
So I went to a place where my homeboys chill
The fellows out there, making that dollar
I pulled up in my 6-4 Impala
They greet me with a 40 and I started drinking
And from the 8-ball my breath start stinking

I’m hearing The headcounts in the patient services group are not getting filled because no one wants to go into JC 3 days/week and the current structure and staffing is such a mess. It’s not too bad now w ALS and low demand but we better get our sh*t together soon or the Parkinsons launch is doomed

The chaos comes from too many people making unaligned decisions. HR doesn't care about helping current employees move up and takes forever hiring external candidates who come in thinking everything is great and then get a shit sandwich thrown to them day 1. Good luck hiring a bunch of people for PD when simple stuff can't even get a clear decision in a timely manner.

C’mon, LT has independent abilities: alienating anyone who works with her, having an entire department managed by a vendor because she has no clue, producing suspicious reports on her department’s financial contributions…turning simple tasks into arduous projects. That’s talent.

C’mon, LT has independent abilities: alienating anyone who works with her, having an entire department managed by a vendor because she has no clue, producing suspicious reports on her department’s financial contributions…turning simple tasks into arduous projects. That’s talent.
Confucious say: “if you keep asking questions and writing checks you never need answers”.

C’mon, LT has independent abilities: alienating anyone who works with her, having an entire department managed by a vendor because she has no clue, producing suspicious reports on her department’s financial contributions…turning simple tasks into arduous projects. That’s talent.
Two weeks into the year and I’m already exhausted. Full calendar. Repetitive meetings. Duplicate work and rework. Indecision. Education of new hires that won’t last, so we’ll need to educate their replacements. JS and LT have this place spinning. Good times.

Two weeks into the year and I’m already exhausted. Full calendar. Repetitive meetings. Duplicate work and rework. Indecision. Education of new hires that won’t last, so we’ll need to educate their replacements. JS and LT have this place spinning. Good times.

Could be worse. Some no name company could report Phase 3 results of an oral edaravone study showing it doesn't work, sending people into a fire drill.

Any bets on who will leave next?