The truth about working at AbbVie

And Abbvie doesn’t tell you that Abbvie prescription coverage ends for no charge Abbvie products when you retire. One day my Humira is no charge and the next it isn’t. Just another Abbvie shit sandwich.

Worst place to work. Boys club. Parking stickers that are color coded according to your salary range. Handlers for higher-ups. HR reps that are sorority girls without souls. CEO who lied on resume and not only gave himself a degree, but an ADVANCED degree and the company said it was an “administrative error.” Egos the size of Texas. Special treatment for higher grade levels. An environment of ladder climbing and ruthless money grubbing, nanny hiring, suits that care more about their climb than human beings. A place where women are paid less. A place where the scientists are actually treated with less respect than the ego maniac commercial people, if you can call them people. A holding place for people who think the AbbVie zip-code is the only thing to aspire to; the only place in the world. A sad beige place where douche bags rule and words like “synergy” and “transparency” are thrown around in meeting after meeting.
AbbVie...fucking...blows. Unless you have no soul. Then-carry on...

there are "humans" in this world with no soul.
that is a fact.

And, a great majority of them are in corporate america, unfortunately.

I am ready to leave this industry. waiting for the game to end for me. lucky, I have a great manager, so the game is good right now. when that changes, I am done with it all. made enough money and don't have bad habits, so my life is good.

get out, if you can. you will feel better about yourself. just make sure you can handle as potential pay cut.

there are "humans" in this world with no soul.
that is a fact.

And, a great majority of them are in corporate america, unfortunately.

I am ready to leave this industry. waiting for the game to end for me. lucky, I have a great manager, so the game is good right now. when that changes, I am done with it all. made enough money and don't have bad habits, so my life is good.

get out, if you can. you will feel better about yourself. just make sure you can handle as potential pay cut.

there are "humans" in this world with no soul.
that is a fact.

And, a great majority of them are in corporate america, unfortunately.

I am ready to leave this industry. waiting for the game to end for me. lucky, I have a great manager, so the game is good right now. when that changes, I am done with it all. made enough money and don't have bad habits, so my life is good.

get out, if you can. you will feel better about yourself. just make sure you can handle as potential pay cut.

Is Byron Rex’s sister in law still in his district? You know Rebecca McMahon, ne Salata.

Worst place to work. Boys club. Parking stickers that are color coded according to your salary range. Handlers for higher-ups. HR reps that are sorority girls without souls. CEO who lied on resume and not only gave himself a degree, but an ADVANCED degree and the company said it was an “administrative error.” Egos the size of Texas. Special treatment for higher grade levels. An environment of ladder climbing and ruthless money grubbing, nanny hiring, suits that care more about their climb than human beings. A place where women are paid less. A place where the scientists are actually treated with less respect than the ego maniac commercial people, if you can call them people. A holding place for people who think the AbbVie zip-code is the only thing to aspire to; the only place in the world. A sad beige place where douche bags rule and words like “synergy” and “transparency” are thrown around in meeting after meeting.
AbbVie...fucking...blows. Unless you have no soul. Then-carry on...

How are the parking stickers color coded to salary ranges?
What are the colors and the ranges?

My recollection is that they are enforced at Abbott Park not at AbbVie 1
Blue stickers - AbbVie top execs (Abbott officer-level VPs); can park next to entrance
Red - proletariats - park a little further out
Green - I think this was for contractors/interns, etc. - park in Siberia

My recollection is that they are enforced at Abbott Park not at AbbVie 1
Blue stickers - AbbVie top execs (Abbott officer-level VPs); can park next to entrance
Red - proletariats - park a little further out
Green - I think this was for contractors/interns, etc. - park in Siberia
Pink - massage parlor across the street

Millennials selling Lupron must be hysterical. To much dreaming in those heads to understand how to make money with kick backs to Dr. Incentive to keep prescribing to OB GYN field.

Millennials selling Lupron must be hysterical. To much dreaming in those heads to understand how to make money with kick backs to Dr. Incentive to keep prescribing to OB GYN field.
Spoken like an ignorant Orilamer rep that has the IQ of a tampon. Just because your Wonder Drug is a total dog you make false accusations. You must be a sub 5 ft tall obnoxious loud mouthed blonde bitch.

Can confirm this is true -former employee
I can confirm this. Abbvie won’t hire you unless you know someone in the circle of good ole people. This company is the worst company I have ever worked for, they think their shit doesn’t stink cause Humira has been their Savior. The training of the Employees is below average. They pay well but you will
be fucked if you leave. They’ll blacklist you and make sure they threaten you with with their acrimonious non compete. Be ready to take a pay cut if you leave, but in return you will be better off cause you will have a better work/life balance. Be ready to work countless nights and undervalued programs if you come to Abbvie. You will not succeed in your skill set here, go somewhere else where they will train you, invest in you, and treat you like a person and not just another number.

Total lie. Look on Glassdoor and you’ll see very high ratings of CEO and company.
All of the Women’s Care jobs this time 2 years ago were offered “under the table” to metabolic reps prior to the jobs being published by HR. I attended a meeting where the DM’s coached the reps preordained as moving over to Women's Health.