The truth about working at AbbVie


Worst place to work. Boys club. Parking stickers that are color coded according to your salary range. Handlers for higher-ups. HR reps that are sorority girls without souls. CEO who lied on resume and not only gave himself a degree, but an ADVANCED degree and the company said it was an “administrative error.” Egos the size of Texas. Special treatment for higher grade levels. An environment of ladder climbing and ruthless money grubbing, nanny hiring, suits that care more about their climb than human beings. A place where women are paid less. A place where the scientists are actually treated with less respect than the ego maniac commercial people, if you can call them people. A holding place for people who think the AbbVie zip-code is the only thing to aspire to; the only place in the world. A sad beige place where douche bags rule and words like “synergy” and “transparency” are thrown around in meeting after meeting.
AbbVie...fucking...blows. Unless you have no soul. Then-carry on...

Agree, but as far as big pharma goes, it's about the best. Not saying a lot, because we are treated poorly but thank goodness for Humira contracting.

All I do is useless programs which pad my Ruthschris account, salt infection stories about Cosentyx, make up lies about Otezla GI distress, and make sure my expense report has no flaws.

All in all, a terrible culture, but it pays the bills nicely.

If you're on someone's fast track, life is good. If you kiss the right ass and make them look good, life is good. if you make a decent wage and just do your job, life is good. If you're satisfied with your job and have many years of service, life is good. If your slotted into a nothing position and are not interested in advancing, life is good. If you're a born complainer, glass always half empty, you're working for the wrong company.


Worst place to work. Boys club. Parking stickers that are color coded according to your salary range. Handlers for higher-ups. HR reps that are sorority girls without souls. CEO who lied on resume and not only gave himself a degree, but an ADVANCED degree and the company said it was an “administrative error.” Egos the size of Texas. Special treatment for higher grade levels. An environment of ladder climbing and ruthless money grubbing, nanny hiring, suits that care more about their climb than human beings. A place where women are paid less. A place where the scientists are actually treated with less respect than the ego maniac commercial people, if you can call them people. A holding place for people who think the AbbVie zip-code is the only thing to aspire to; the only place in the world. A sad beige place where douche bags rule and words like “synergy” and “transparency” are thrown around in meeting after meeting.
AbbVie...fucking...blows. Unless you have no soul. Then-carry on...

This is 100% true. I have never worked with more dishonest, mediocre, insecure people in my life than at AbbVie. When dishonesty goes all the way to the top, it is an ingrained problem. Couldn't get out of that company fast enough. I knew one month in that I had made a huge mistake. Agree with the post - if you have no soul and just want to punch a clock, work at AbbVie.

This is 100% true. I have never worked with more dishonest, mediocre, insecure people in my life than at AbbVie. When dishonesty goes all the way to the top, it is an ingrained problem. Couldn't get out of that company fast enough. I knew one month in that I had made a huge mistake. Agree with the post - if you have no soul and just want to punch a clock, work at AbbVie.

I'd love to hear more about the dishonesty... it looks like they've been pretty dishonest/downright fraudulent in how they got Humira into the position it was in.

Worst place to work. Boys club. Parking stickers that are color coded according to your salary range. Handlers for higher-ups. HR reps that are sorority girls without souls. CEO who lied on resume and not only gave himself a degree, but an ADVANCED degree and the company said it was an “administrative error.” Egos the size of Texas. Special treatment for higher grade levels. An environment of ladder climbing and ruthless money grubbing, nanny hiring, suits that care more about their climb than human beings. A place where women are paid less. A place where the scientists are actually treated with less respect than the ego maniac commercial people, if you can call them people. A holding place for people who think the AbbVie zip-code is the only thing to aspire to; the only place in the world. A sad beige place where douche bags rule and words like “synergy” and “transparency” are thrown around in meeting after meeting.
AbbVie...fucking...blows. Unless you have no soul. Then-carry on...

Well said except for the R&D part. As I stated before, Abbvie AND Abbott Labs R&D couldn’t discover a turd in a toilet. Knoll invented your only blockbuster.

i was so lucky to get out of this place they called a company a few years ago. I had never been around more egotistical yet incompetent leadership in my career, especially some of the Solvay legacy leadership (AbbVie lite) that tried so hard “to make there mark” and think they belonged! JH and his lackeys made a mockery of this company with there over the top “accountability” tactics to impress the vile AbbVie management!

Totally agree. Best place to work ever!
And becoming millenial friendly also, quite important.

Yes because becoming “millennial friendly” should be key to success. Let’s not focus on ALL people and generations, but make sure millennials are moving up the ladder without the necessary experience. Grow up and realize you too must work hard to contribute something meaningful.

HR has highjacked this thread by injecting a weird and boring discussion on working with millennials. Don't fall for it. They are trying to bury the thread about how bad the culture is at AbbVie. The corrupt and Abbott-focused culture rewards mediocrity and those who follow the company line.

HR has highjacked this thread by injecting a weird and boring discussion on working with millennials. Don't fall for it. They are trying to bury the thread about how bad the culture is at AbbVie. The corrupt and Abbott-focused culture rewards mediocrity and those who follow the company line.

Can I get an Amen from the congregation! Hence why we can’t launch a drug without having to play the “blame the sales reps at all cost” instead of acknowledging most of the mistakes start with JD and go from there

Can I get an Amen from the congregation! Hence why we can’t launch a drug without having to play the “blame the sales reps at all cost” instead of acknowledging most of the mistakes start with JD and go from there

HR= not human, not a resource. AbbVie HR is full of soulless sorority girls who like to climb and sleep around. Gross, gross, gross company. Did you see Bill Chase and friends cashed in on Ricky Botox’s bad deal? Amazing he traded his shares just in time. Will there be consequences for Bill Chase and friends? Nah. Morally bankrupt.

Abbvie is notorious for posting job for the legally required 5 days and then on fifth day and 1 second job posting pulled because hiring manager already knew they were hiring internal candidate or one of their buddies.