The Quality of Field Managers at Vanda

After reading this discussion it is clear why Vanda hired fresh and hungry college grads - simply to engage them in unethical selling which seasoned reps would refuse to do. I am seeing they are being pumped up and encouraged to drive Hetlioz sales. They may not be very effective in selling fanapt but they are gung ho on securing Hetlioz intakes - clearly for patients that do not have non-24. I hope FDA catches up and sees what is actually happening in the field at Vanda.

There is not one quality leader here at Vanda- NONE
There used to be but the cheap, unethical crook Mihales Poly drove them away. Those that he didn't drive away, he purged. Home office used to have a marketing department and there used to be qualified NSDs for Hetlioz and Fanapt. Do a Linked In search and count up how many CCO's he has ran through - until he got GP that will never get a job any where else so he stays - and he supports the tyrannical ways of his master Mihales. The original Hetlioz representatives can attest that Vanda was very different at the beginning - until Mihales started his reign of destroying anything that generated morale or was productive.

There used to be but the cheap, unethical crook Mihales Poly drove them away. Those that he didn't drive away, he purged. Home office used to have a marketing department and there used to be qualified NSDs for Hetlioz and Fanapt. Do a Linked In search and count up how many CCO's he has ran through - until he got GP that will never get a job any where else so he stays - and he supports the tyrannical ways of his master Mihales. The original Hetlioz representatives can attest that Vanda was very different at the beginning - until Mihales started his reign of destroying anything that generated morale or was productive.
the few non associates left may remember when HR sent out the "Welcome new employees" email with detials on weekly home office new hires. Mihales stopped it because it shower the HUGE turnover happening inside home office, and also he did not want the field knowing anything about anyone internal, even names and and lastly that he was replacing education and experience with his kids friends and other twenty-something females that he could creep out while staring at them (until they get pregnant, then they get fired, Poly hates maternity leave).

the few non associates left may remember when HR sent out the "Welcome new employees" email with detials on weekly home office new hires. Mihales stopped it because it shower the HUGE turnover happening inside home office, and also he did not want the field knowing anything about anyone internal, even names and and lastly that he was replacing education and experience with his kids friends and other twenty-something females that he could creep out while staring at them (until they get pregnant, then they get fired, Poly hates maternity leave).


the few non associates left may remember when HR sent out the "Welcome new employees" email with detials on weekly home office new hires. Mihales stopped it because it shower the HUGE turnover happening inside home office, and also he did not want the field knowing anything about anyone internal, even names and and lastly that he was replacing education and experience with his kids friends and other twenty-something females that he could creep out while staring at them (until they get pregnant, then they get fired, Poly hates maternity leave).

The still send the welcome new hire emails.
A lot of the new hires are Ph.D educated and pretty damn smart.

  • RealAM   Jun 06, 2019 at 10:45: PM
Say it louder for the folks in the back!

I wonder how the HR lady will do when she comes back from her repeat maternity leave here at Vanda.

Oh look what we have here. A home office apologist who is trying to dismiss the experiences of the field. Listen to what you just said. The "HR lady." The one person in HQ that wont get fucked with because she IS human resources. Nice try. Ask any other pregnant female their experience and get back to us.

But here is a little something to show you home office trolls I'm legit and know EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. Someone touched on this a few threads ago. What are you going to do about Christos and his little girlfriend problem? I'm sure you'll have this deleted, but thats ok EVERYONE KNOWS. You try and micro-manage the field and you can't even manage home office. LOLOLOLOLOL. So he was dating one of the young CMs and now there"s trouble in paradise? She has been AWOL for three weeks, popping into the office every once in a while with no ramifications while everyone is just getting her workload added to theirs, do I have that right? Oh what an unprofessional group you all are. The only thing that made me smile this week is knowing you guys are getting hurt by the stock drop more than I am with my paltry options. im holding out, going all in big when it hits $3.

They don't stick around. Poly will always think he is smarter than everyone else and drives good talent away

Actually, they run the clinical trials.

The clinical team works very collaboratively. Everyone from the fresh college grads, to MDs and Ph.Ds is part of the clinical RDC. We meet weekly to come up with solutions to bring our compounds through the trial process.

Mihales and Gunther provide input, but so does everyone else.

  • RealAM   Jun 06, 2019 at 10:55: PM
Actually, they run the clinical trials.

The clinical team works very collaboratively. Everyone from the fresh college grads, to MDs and Ph.Ds is part of the clinical RDC. We meet weekly to come up with solutions to bring our compounds through the trial process.

Mihales and Gunther provide input, but so does everyone else.

LOL, you are adorable. Don't you have a stock to run into the ground? Probably doesn't matter tho, you sold a bunch just before Daddy announced the whole doggy FDA lawsuit didnt you Christos? Things that make you go hmmmmm.

Actually, they run the clinical trials.

The clinical team works very collaboratively. Everyone from the fresh college grads, to MDs and Ph.Ds is part of the clinical RDC. We meet weekly to come up with solutions to bring our compounds through the trial process.

Mihales and Gunther provide input, but so does everyone else.
Yes, "THEY" run the clinical trials. But the "THEY" changed daily based upon who got a job where their expertise was valued. What you described is what Vanda claims. It is anything but real. Mihales cares only about results. The methods used to get the results are irrelevant as long as he gets the desired results. You know that.

Oh look what we have here. A home office apologist who is trying to dismiss the experiences of the field. Listen to what you just said. The "HR lady." The one person in HQ that wont get fucked with because she IS human resources. Nice try. Ask any other pregnant female their experience and get back to us.

But here is a little something to show you home office trolls I'm legit and know EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. Someone touched on this a few threads ago. What are you going to do about Christos and his little girlfriend problem? I'm sure you'll have this deleted, but thats ok EVERYONE KNOWS. You try and micro-manage the field and you can't even manage home office. LOLOLOLOLOL. So he was dating one of the young CMs and now there"s trouble in paradise? She has been AWOL for three weeks, popping into the office every once in a while with no ramifications while everyone is just getting her workload added to theirs, do I have that right? Oh what an unprofessional group you all are. The only thing that made me smile this week is knowing you guys are getting hurt by the stock drop more than I am with my paltry options. im holding out, going all in big when it hits $3.
They agreed with you. It was sarcasm. We ALL understand what you are saying. It is very rare to EVER find anyone that would defend the felonious acts of the Polymeropolous family. They are as criminal as the Sackler family of Purdue pharma, just without the opioids

Oh look what we have here. A home office apologist who is trying to dismiss the experiences of the field. Listen to what you just said. The "HR lady." The one person in HQ that wont get fucked with because she IS human resources. Nice try. Ask any other pregnant female their experience and get back to us.

But here is a little something to show you home office trolls I'm legit and know EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. Someone touched on this a few threads ago. What are you going to do about Christos and his little girlfriend problem? I'm sure you'll have this deleted, but thats ok EVERYONE KNOWS. You try and micro-manage the field and you can't even manage home office. LOLOLOLOLOL. So he was dating one of the young CMs and now there"s trouble in paradise? She has been AWOL for three weeks, popping into the office every once in a while with no ramifications while everyone is just getting her workload added to theirs, do I have that right? Oh what an unprofessional group you all are. The only thing that made me smile this week is knowing you guys are getting hurt by the stock drop more than I am with my paltry options. im holding out, going all in big when it hits $3.
Please expand on the Christos issue. The world would love to hear. The field is kept completely in the dark about DC.