The once great Pfizer.

Everyone remember the Wood U Carl gave to the entire sales team :)

Carl shows how far Pfizer has fallen. The others were not much better. McKinnel put the final spike in the coffin with his incompetence and stupidity. Of course, not that stupid with his multi- million dollar parachute.
Greed ran and continues to run Pfizer into oblivion. ......I hope it happens sooner vs. later. This place is one colossal shit show.

Carl shows how far Pfizer has fallen. The others were not much better. McKinnel put the final spike in the coffin with his incompetence and stupidity. Of course, not that stupid with his multi- million dollar parachute.
Greed ran and continues to run Pfizer into oblivion. ......I hope it happens sooner vs. later. This place is one colossal shit show.
I always though of multi-million dollar parachutes as something in the $4-11M range. Including options and what-not, Hanks package was $183,000,000 million, if I recall correctly.

I always though of multi-million dollar parachutes as something in the $4-11M range. Including options and what-not, Hanks package was $183,000,000 million, if I recall correctly.

That we know of via public record. That jerk probably got double that via his board and back room deals. A total profiteer.....and sadly for Pfizer, a very good one.