It is upon us once again- The annual "forced ranking"

Forced Rank, Operational Excellance, whatever you want to call it. How about Customer Focused Selling? Same old shit. Come Dec Pfizer will be handing out it's yearly pinks and who is kept and who goes will as usual make no sence. After company breaks into 2 division and sells off anything profitable look for the stock price to top and then the exe. will cash out and leave. Obama care will take care of the rest of the distruction of this industry. When it hit $28 look for Ian and the big boys to have to announce the massive amt. of shares they sold at an unbelivable profit. Shorthly after the jump will be made and free fall until golden paracute opens for them and their good ole boys it's payday. I say Pfizer is number one and I salute you with the extention of my middle finger.

Well duh. Corporate life is all about the maximum amount of money going to the shareholders and executives while employees get used, abused and dumped. Giving more and more to the One Percent is the #1 Republican ideology. That's why you all keep voting for them, right? Wait, why is it you keep voting for them when they keep taking away your prosperity? Oh that's right - it's the ideology you like but you can't see the reality. Way to go!!!

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