The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

Too funny - plus dco's and ctl's are constantly on visits with reps. They simply don't have enough to do! Ctl's should have a minimum of ten reps and DCO's a minimum of 15 ctl's. We are so bloated here and time to rid these lifer ctl's who simply grift along. Hey dco's, numbers in the toilet? Ever thought of changing up ctl's? Of course not

It just speaks to how much profit pharma makes out of these pills that companies can support field forces that do so little to impact productivity.

It just speaks to how much profit pharma makes out of these pills that companies can support field forces that do so little to impact productivity.

Tic tock, look around and figure things out yourself. Forget rumors, look at facts, who is changing divisions or outright leaving. July/August exits speak volumes, speak to someone you trust.

A sales Director and 3 CtL's gave separation notice this morning, all in different parts of the US. What is happening, many higher ups leaving. I'm worried because over the years those that are informed either leave suddenly or scurry to another division and are hired by friends. My concern is there is no place to scurry to if the bottom falls out. Anyone have details about field sales? Do tell

Lost two good tenured sales reps [different divisions] in CA since Friday. Both suddenly out of the blue only to find out they had been planning this for months giving notice by 8-1. Something sneaky going on & I don't like it. Post if you know of geography pockets where employees are leaving.

Lost two good tenured sales reps [different divisions] in CA since Friday. Both suddenly out of the blue only to find out they had been planning this for months giving notice by 8-1. Something sneaky going on & I don't like it. Post if you know of geography pockets where employees are leaving.
Let's see. We've canned 80,000 people. I'd say that every pocket in the entire country has people leaving, most with a knife at their back, encouraging their departure. I've been watching it happen over and over, non-stop, for at least ten years. And that's just in my geography, although I know it's happening everywhere.

Lost two good tenured sales reps [different divisions] in CA since Friday. Both suddenly out of the blue only to find out they had been planning this for months giving notice by 8-1. Something sneaky going on & I don't like it. Post if you know of geography pockets where employees are leaving.
I'm telling you...people are leaving if they are older 50+ because of the changes coming in the pension plan. They are better off leaving now.

Lost two good tenured sales reps [different divisions] in CA since Friday. Both suddenly out of the blue only to find out they had been planning this for months giving notice by 8-1. Something sneaky going on & I don't like it. Post if you know of geography pockets where employees are leaving.
several reps, CTLs, and DCO left in CA. I heard the So cal DCO was very well liked. He left to work for another pharma company as a DCO. Same position, different company. He must know something.

Honestly, I don't think it will be as bad as it is being made out to be on CP. Thinking they will take a fine tune look at territories and trim accordingly. Hopefully not backfilling positions will give us some breathing room and the exodus with the pension plan also gives us some space.

Honestly, I don't think it will be as bad as it is being made out to be on CP. Thinking they will take a fine tune look at territories and trim accordingly. Hopefully not backfilling positions will give us some breathing room and the exodus with the pension plan also gives us some space.

Your statement explains why Merck is eroding by the quarter. You just want to get by and hang out with the geriatric ctl's and reps. The choice is yours, rebrand or rebadge. If your call came today, would you be prepared? What would you do?

several reps, CTLs, and DCO left in CA. I heard the So cal DCO was very well liked. He left to work for another pharma company as a DCO. Same position, different company. He must know something.

Wrong. 1 ctl, 1 DCO and 1rep left. I know for a fact the DCO had conversations with all of them. All 3 are going to different companies. Can you say Watergate?

Primary care CTLs have been leaving. Not just in CA. Reps are moving on to different divisions or companies. CTLs don't move quicker because quite frankly they are useless. Where else are they going to find a job with a comparable salary?
Most CTLs here are idiots who are constantly paranoid and treat the reps like garbage. canr wait for a few to get canned

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