The New IC Plan is an Absolute INSULT

Doing a breakfast and lunch everyday almost killed you? I would be embarrassed to admit that? I guess it also took time away from checking/posting on your social media sites too?

My guess is you work 10-2 and think Covid should allow you still to stay home..

Doing a breakfast and lunch everyday almost killed you? I would be embarrassed to admit that? I guess it also took time away from checking/posting on your social media sites too?

My guess is you work 10-2 and think Covid should allow you still to stay home..
Says the old guy on Cafe pharma who's made like 10 posts in a row, lol

Why is it not ok to insult people on the basis of race, gender, disability, etc. but age is fine? These are the same people we hire to promote medicine for often elderly patients.
Because the old guy is a complete condescending prick who revels in the misery of the downtrodden. Instead of seeing the unfairness of what's going on he steeples his fingers and laughs maniacally like a classic villain.

If they want us to leave, it’s working. This isn’t in line with what was promised at all. We are rebuilding a 20 year old dead market. The targeting is off. The marketing was off (no tear sheets/coupons) until month 5. There is no acknowledgement of double territories making half of their effort. What is the point of doubles? We are making less than we did prior to launch and working 5Xs more!
Marketing plan is stellar, Health Systems doing an excellent job as usual, the problem is we have a bunch of diversity and inclusion reps who aren't qualified to sell popcorn in a movie theater!

Did you all see the new Iperform numbers that just came out? All of us sales reps are getting a large salary reduction. I'm envisioning a lot of people are going to be leaving next quarter, or at least putting in zero effort. Merry Christmas!

Did you all see the new Iperform numbers that just came out? All of us sales reps are getting a large salary reduction. I'm envisioning a lot of people are going to be leaving next quarter, or at least putting in zero effort. Merry Christmas!

Where do you see salary reduction and when is that effective?

Where do you see salary reduction and when is that effective?
I think they mean salary in terms of bonus, much less bonus, and no more multiplier. Assuming if you look at the course of a full year bonus, we will be making significantly less than before when we only had Myrbetriq, especially double territories. I completely agree with the sentiment.

Did you all see the new comp plan they just snuck out for us all to sign in DocuSign? They're cutting commission rates in half. $6 per script now. Wow wow wooowwwwwwwwwww. That's dirty business right there. Merry Christmas!!!!

Did you all see the new comp plan they just snuck out for us all to sign in DocuSign? They're cutting commission rates in half. $6 per script now. Wow wow wooowwwwwwwwwww. That's dirty business right there. Merry Christmas!!!!
Yeah it is definitely pretty fucking dirty. A 60% reduction and didn't mention a SINGLE WORD to anyone about it. Just slipped it on in there. Can't believe no one else has bothered to comment about this. We got a huge pay cut and no one seems to care.

Look, I get it, the Veozah launch was a dud, no one wants this drug, they screwed up, and now their loans are coming due. Gotta pay the piper. But AT LEAST let everyone know the thought process, and DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HIRING MORE SALES REPS!!!!! If they do that it would be the most colossally stupid decision in the history of Pharma. Cut the reps commision drastically, and then hire more reps??? That's a Joe Biden type policy right there....Stupidity.

This is what happens when we continue to hire reps who cannot do basic math

Yeah it is definitely pretty fucking dirty. A 60% reduction and didn't mention a SINGLE WORD to anyone about it. Just slipped it on in there. Can't believe no one else has bothered to comment about this. We got a huge pay cut and no one seems to care.

Look, I get it, the Veozah launch was a dud, no one wants this drug, they screwed up, and now their loans are coming due. Gotta pay the piper. But AT LEAST let everyone know the thought process, and DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HIRING MORE SALES REPS!!!!! If they do that it would be the most colossally stupid decision in the history of Pharma. Cut the reps commision drastically, and then hire more reps??? That's a Joe Biden type policy right there....Stupidity.