The mass layoff Rumor is BS


I thought the savings was broken up into 23& 24. I’m guessing this means there will be more cuts in 24 and most likely a much larger number based off how the cuts in 24 were going to be significantly larger. Hopefully I’m wrong.

I thought the savings was broken up into 23& 24. I’m guessing this means there will be more cuts in 24 and most likely a much larger number based off how the cuts in 24 were going to be significantly larger. Hopefully I’m wrong.
Is anyone hearing “Business As Usual” from their manager? This is a warning sign, in my experience that cuts are coming. Of course it’s BUS so they can squeeze every penny they can before the cuts.

Albert is pushing out the mass layoff rumor in a desperate attempt to influence the sell side analysts and get the stock price back up so that management can execute stock options before year end.

Then if I'm hearing you correctly, You are saying that management is lying to me when say we are safe?
It’s All They Know, so not necessarily a “lie”
My experience comes from my previous employer and they never said anyone was “safe” they said “business as usual “ logically if all business units are “safe” they’re being lied to as well.

Then if I'm hearing you correctly, You are saying that management is lying to me when say we are safe?

they are saying what they have to say. No different than any other organizational changes. No one below the VP level is filled in on what the changes will be. How difficult is it to understand that multiple layers of leadership are in the same boat that we are in.

Well.. definitely going to see changes in middle and upper management. Looks like senior leadership positions are being consolidating whole divisions into one, at least in Specialty.

they are saying what they have to say. No different than any other organizational changes. No one below the VP level is filled in on what the changes will be. How difficult is it to understand that multiple layers of leadership are in the same boat that we are in.
correct, lower level leaders have no info yet on what will happen as they may very well be impacted as well

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