The End Is Near

Cant have boneheaded OPS people running a small business. True, you need checks and balances but you need a level headed sales guy in the lead. No morale or hope otherwise. Time to kick this thing up a notch. Kinda feel like makin it happen and it feels good! Thanks for leaving us alone LabCrap. You suck!

Slashing head count and costs across the board.

Did you see LBJ pulling Jeffrey's strings? Just sayin...
She is just as responsible for the company's current condition. Maybe she can get Miss Piggy the Billing Supervisor to squeal up the collections. Doubt it.

LBJ, JC, WS and JC are the reason's this company is in such poor shape. They are like Mean Girls if you were not friends you were the enemy. So to continue the bad policies you put a golf pro in charge. Good Luck.

Multiple failed labs they assisted in fugging the numbers. It didn't work here with the Labcorp deal. Once again useless. Oh but wait you can't get rid of SD because he is the only one who can support the Lab System. Fester in your miseries and a cut in pay to the residual staff.

Multiple failed labs they assisted in fugging the numbers. It didn't work here with the Labcorp deal. Once again useless. Oh but wait you can't get rid of SD because he is the only one who can support the Lab System. Fester in your miseries and a cut in pay to the residual staff.