The End Is Near

T. G. What is the plan now that Spectra is getting rid of shiel. I believe you have an agreement with them to send the oxford to them. Be careful do not hurt your accounts cause the new manager will send that no profitable business back to you. It puts their contract at risk. Nice try!

You will get notified that the cooperative agreement is null and void . Your ex employee will certainly not help. Be professional and tell your accounts to send that non profitable work to Labcorp. If you have talented reps it will not be hard. If you have a bunch of used car salesmen then it will be a problem. Good Luck T.G. and team.

Walk around, more empty desks then there are occupied ones. Name plates up from employees gone over a year ago. What a joke. Get those resumes in order the circus is almost over!

Walk around, more empty desks then there are occupied ones. Name plates up from employees gone over a year ago. What a joke. Get those resumes in order the circus is almost over!

It can't come soon enough! So sick of this job and reporting to managers who are far less knowledgeable then the low end employees

Dannielle you forgot to mention your own resignation on this mornings email! Oh yeah, next time proof read before you send, you got the date wrong. Good luck wherever you go, you'll need it!!!

Dannielle you forgot to mention your own resignation on this mornings email! Oh yeah, next time proof read before you send, you got the date wrong. Good luck wherever you go, you'll need it!!!

Heard she was not being replaced either. BIG HINT that were not going to last much longer if we no longer will have anyone in human resources. Not that she was ever here anyway. And when she was here she just copy and pastes Robin Stacey's old emails and throws her name on it.

TG stated that "The supply problem is fixed" that's BULL, my accounts are still not getting what they need. And another thing, Dave in the warehouse assured me he would get somthing out ASAP to a client for me YESTERDAY and they have still yet to receive anything. HE IS AN IDOIT! WASTE OF SALARY!

TG stated that "The supply problem is fixed" that's BULL, my accounts are still not getting what they need. And another thing, Dave in the warehouse assured me he would get somthing out ASAP to a client for me YESTERDAY and they have still yet to receive anything. HE IS AN IDOIT! WASTE OF SALARY!

Same with my accounts reguarding supplies. I also agree Dave needs to go. Not sure how he lasted so long here, and not to mention unprofessional. Ricky he is only making you look bad FYI...

TG stated that "The supply problem is fixed" that's BULL, my accounts are still not getting what they need. And another thing, Dave in the warehouse assured me he would get somthing out ASAP to a client for me YESTERDAY and they have still yet to receive anything. HE IS AN IDOIT! WASTE OF SALARY!

Supply issues are not exactly in Tom's wheelhouse.