The Elanco Exodus

I know about the company but not the specific products. Coincidently I had 2 former bosses contact me with offers. Both of them were with Abbvie before and switched to animal health sales. I'm just looking to learn more about the products. Mostly antifectives for Zoetis. I've been in HCV sales for 4 years and looking to switch.

spinoff!? Do you guys honestly think a spin-off is a real option!!!?? LOL!! Have you seen your P&L the last two years? Your large animal business is toast with the biggest gut punch around the corner with a generic rumensin. Please tell me how any investment bank is going to invest in a company with the P&L you’ve had the last years and knowing what it will look like over the next 5??????? Those who could leave are gone, some are getting stay bonuses so they have to stick around, there is a group of overpaid sales people that are just hanging on as long as they can, and there is all kinds of dead weight that have lived their lives sucking up to a bunch of incompetent, poor leaders.

Since the announcement, the departures from Elanco are often and widespread. This place is sinking like the titanic and people are abandoning ship on the daily. When the company makes ZERO incentive(none) for you to hang on to this sinking ship, people are walking away from this place without thinking twice. So now everyone is forced to “help out the company”. Not backfilling rep territories, RCV roles, and corporate accounts has people checking out indeed daily. I even heard a DM is looking to join Chuckie B at his new company. Our leadership, mainly Simmons, needs to take a long look in the mirror and think of a way to stop the “Elanco Exodus” as everyone is calling it. People are exiting for companies like zoetis, Merck, and BI and all Elanco DM’s are left to do is stand there with their hands in their pockets and say “I don’t blame you”. Hell, I heard a couple people actually went to distribution to get away from this place. One left for IDEXX?!?! That tells you everything that you need to know. The Elanco Exodus will continue this week and you can’t fault anyone except leadership once again for not coming up with a plan to stop it.

Who will leave this week? Another corporate account rep? Another Key account manager? Another person in marketing? Another territory manager? Somone in channel? The DM? Only time will tell. Stay tuned.

I interviewed with the two VP’s, laughed all the way to the airport with their horrible interviewing skills and pathetic offer. I should have known by my ride along in CO where the rep literally dropped off doughnuts to front desks and recorded them as calls. So thankful I didn’t go here. Leadership needs a make over.

I interviewed with the two VP’s, laughed all the way to the airport with their horrible interviewing skills and pathetic offer. I should have known by my ride along in CO where the rep literally dropped off doughnuts to front desks and recorded them as calls. So thankful I didn’t go here. Leadership needs a make over.

Hey man. This thread is for current employees to complain about poor leadership. This isn’t for a person who applied and interviewed for a job at a company during a transition and got rejected. Go piss in your own swamp.

I interviewed with the two VP’s, laughed all the way to the airport with their horrible interviewing skills and pathetic offer. I should have known by my ride along in CO where the rep literally dropped off doughnuts to front desks and recorded them as calls. So thankful I didn’t go here. Leadership needs a make over.

Fake News!

I spoke with a rep who was part of the Elanco exodus. You know why they left? Not for more money, they left for a “better company” according to this person. They also left because of the unbearable pressure they received from the manager funneled down from upper management. They said the they could no longer trust a company who was purely driven to make themselves look good for a sale that they forgot who they were. Elanco used to see the big picture but that is no longer the case. Just thought I’d share.

I left recently. Same week 3 others in food animal left. We all left for jobs that paid much more, companies that were more stable and to work for bosses who wanted us. I actually had not updated my rEsume in 7 years until last fall. I kept my position but in the process applied for jobs with competitors. All who paid a lot more. Ultimately left for almost a 50% raise, less travel and less stress. Love Elanco and would go back in a heartbeat if they can fix it. But I’m afraid the ship has split and both sides are sinking. Grab a lifeboat now. When your HR director leaves that’s a bad sign. Just saying.

We hear nothing from the “lead team” for months. One internet rumor and SL drops a video message within days. How about instead of being Reactive you become a leader and be Proactive. So sad.