Why does it matter how long in advance someone asks to ride with you? You are going out in the field anyway and unless you are doing something you shouldn't be doing it should not matter when someone asks to ride with you.

No you idiot, I am not going out in the field, and that's why I need more notice! 99% of us are card carrying members of the ALLDAY LIE CLUB! We swore an oath to uphold it's principle's, and that's what we do! We are a loyal group! HAIL TO THE ALL DAY LIE CLUB!

No you idiot, I am not going out in the field, and that's why I need more notice! 99% of us are card carrying members of the ALLDAY LIE CLUB! We swore an oath to uphold it's principle's, and that's what we do! We are a loyal group! HAIL TO THE ALL DAY LIE CLUB!
While you’re not at work, you might want to brush up on your grammar and spelling. Let’s begin with the following:
1. No, you idiot, not No you idiot
3. its, not it’s
4. principles, not principle’s

My partner has done the "half-day lie" for years. Starts day at 8:30am for Speedway coffee. Home to shower. In territory 9:30-10am. Refuses to share calendar and has never been open to teaming for lunches. Home by 3 to walk dog. Get in a quick work out and shower. Happy Hour by 4. Manager knows that this has been my partner's routine for years. Partner gets away with it because territory numbers have been okay, not great but just okay. Last year our territory got bigger. Partner refused to drive to all accounts because territory is bigger; had only 1 Bevespi writer. I made the other Bevespi writers happen in the territory. Again, dsm was very aware of this last year. New dsm this year. Admitted to me awareness of how my teammate practices the half-day lie. Was told nothing will be done about it.

Partner NOT fired. Former dsm always put it back on me to address and change partner's work habits. New dsm told me that as long as territory numbers are "okay," partner's way of (not) working will never be an issue. New dsm KNOWS partner does NOT work! I was shocked that a so called manager/leader would actually say that. At this point I just don't care anymore. Starting to adopt the half-day lie way of working too. AZ is the craziest company I have ever worked for!

No, we don't because we know in the long run it makes no difference. Pharma has been at best a part time job for years. Unless you're launching a product, it doesn't take an 8

CONT. An 8 hour day to get the job done. If you're strategic, you know where and how to get the business. And God help you if you work in primary care! A few sample drops a week is plenty. People are under the false impression that the rep can drive sales but in the current managed care environment, it's simply not true. So I choose not to drive around all day wasting gas and polluting the air. You're welcome!

Once again, I escaped the hangman’s noose of the unannounced lay-off. I have to be bulletproof! I am an ALL DAY LIE expert, and I still survive every lay-off AZ has ever had since the merger! HOW DO I DO IT! I really don’t know. I haven’t work a full week in 18 years! To all those laid off yesterday, good luck!

Once again, I escaped the hangman’s noose of the unannounced lay-off. I have to be bulletproof! I am an ALL DAY LIE expert, and I still survive every lay-off AZ has ever had since the merger! HOW DO I DO IT! I really don’t know. I haven’t work a full week in 18 years! To all those laid off yesterday, good luck!

This person knows how to play AZ! If you are not following the ADL, you are a fool! Maybe now some of you will realize that hard work will never save your job. WORK SMART, LIE SMART! Repeat it over and over and over each and every day!

This person knows how to play AZ! If you are not following the ADL, you are a fool! Maybe now some of you will realize that hard work will never save your job. WORK SMART, LIE SMART! Repeat it over and over and over each and every day!

You know,it’s really amazing how long I have shafted AZ by lying about calls. I thought I would have been caught by now. Is it luck? I don’t know. I am amazed at it all. I am just too tired to work a full day. Will I ever get caught?

You know,it’s really amazing how long I have shafted AZ by lying about calls. I thought I would have been caught by now. Is it luck? I don’t know. I am amazed at it all. I am just too tired to work a full day. Will I ever get caught?

Trust me, managers know. As long as numbers grow, they will look the other way. As we saw, the "2's" got hit hard on the 7th. Get a couple in a row & you can live the all day lie w/o lying. Maybe sooner if SSLT opens up the opportunity to interview again. No manager want to push anyone out until they know they can backfill. At least that is what mine says.

We had a new hire in our district..super nice boy scout of a guy personality, a real eager beaver.. DM's worst nightmare though...New guy hits the field and discovers (surprise!) that access to offices are horrible, can't give away samples and lunch appointments sinking fast....New rep has sad face .. Can't record many calls in a day.. maybe 2 or 3 on good day, not going to meet goals... can't record a call if you didn't give the full detail...

But wait, new rep knows his DM is there to support him...shoots off email with detailed list of No see / Limited access offices, says he's only making about 1 or 2 calls a day but is really trying hard..calls to discuss what to do? Suggests maybe he should contact corporate for help..?? DM thinks " holy sh*t don't need HQ and my boss hearing about this"... hastily arranges meeting for seasoned rep to explain what a broader definition of a call can be for this Boy Scout average is now maybe 4 calls .. another meeting but this guy finally gets it...a call can be defined to include a) you left house b) drove by doc's office c) entered office and remained for at least 3 minutes ...these all show strong effort and will pay dividends in time.