I'm an AZ Retiree and I can tell you its a very different Ball Game working for AZ in 2016, than 19 whatever.... Years ago the DM would take your Call Sheets and would visit the MD's on them to see if you actually made the call.
Needless to say many Reps got axed.
That said I'm intrigued by the "All' Day Lie".
A couple quick questions..... does the low mileage on the cars from staying at home not send up a red flag to the management, or do they just not give a shit?
Also what about faking an MD's signature? would that not have legal ramifications for the forger?
Speaking for myself I would find staying at home , going to the Movies or Gym way boring. I actually liked leaving the House for the day and getting out of my wife's hair. . I found visiting the small towns fun...... hitting the local library , and hardware store and generally goofing off. Every town I had in my territory I would usually have a few MD's I was buddies with and would always call on them. I always had good selling products so we would never need to talk about products and would just shoot the Shit and then I'd be on my merry way
I wish I had thought about asking my DMs to take a few calls, as many of them where full of shit and couldn't sell shit!!
I'm an AZ Retiree and I can tell you its a very different Ball Game working for AZ in 2016, than 19 whatever.... Years ago the DM would take your Call Sheets and would visit the MD's on them to see if you actually made the call.
Needless to say many Reps got axed.
That said I'm intrigued by the "All' Day Lie".
A couple quick questions..... does the low mileage on the cars from staying at home not send up a red flag to the management, or do they just not give a shit?
Also what about faking an MD's signature? would that not have legal ramifications for the forger?
Speaking for myself I would find staying at home , going to the Movies or Gym way boring. I actually liked leaving the House for the day and getting out of my wife's hair. . I found visiting the small towns fun...... hitting the local library , and hardware store and generally goofing off. Every town I had in my territory I would usually have a few MD's I was buddies with and would always call on them. I always had good selling products so we would never need to talk about products and would just shoot the Shit and then I'd be on my merry way
I wish I had thought about asking my DMs to take a few calls, as many of them where full of shit and couldn't sell shit!!