• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.


I'm an AZ Retiree and I can tell you its a very different Ball Game working for AZ in 2016, than 19 whatever.... Years ago the DM would take your Call Sheets and would visit the MD's on them to see if you actually made the call.
Needless to say many Reps got axed.
That said I'm intrigued by the "All' Day Lie".
A couple quick questions..... does the low mileage on the cars from staying at home not send up a red flag to the management, or do they just not give a shit?
Also what about faking an MD's signature? would that not have legal ramifications for the forger?
Speaking for myself I would find staying at home , going to the Movies or Gym way boring. I actually liked leaving the House for the day and getting out of my wife's hair. . I found visiting the small towns fun...... hitting the local library , and hardware store and generally goofing off. Every town I had in my territory I would usually have a few MD's I was buddies with and would always call on them. I always had good selling products so we would never need to talk about products and would just shoot the Shit and then I'd be on my merry way
I wish I had thought about asking my DMs to take a few calls, as many of them where full of shit and couldn't sell shit!!

To answer your question about the ALL DAY LIE, I always leave the house, go on my route, lie about over half the calls, and Never fake a sig. I do as you did, go to Lowe's/Home Depot, Starbucks, the library etc. The mileage is always there. I mix early sigs with a late sig. I meet my spouse for an occasional movie. I go to functions at school all the time. I never fake an entire day.

In primary care, access is horrible, and getting worse. I have a good friend in oncology that tells me over 80% of ONC's are totally "no-see". I also have a good friend that sells Brilinta, and hospitals are getting worse by the day. One week I figured that I actually worked about 2 hours or so a day, most days less than that.

My DM always leaves after about 2 hours. They are worse than we are. They are also useless, and add NOTHING to the sales process. This person stands there like a total fool, arms crossed, and says virtually nothing. Docs frequently make derogatory comments about this person all the time. This management model, if you can call it a model, has been broken for many, many years.

The ALL DAY LIE will only get worse. I would venture to guess that almost all of AZ reps are addicted to it! It's just the way it is.

To answer your question about the ALL DAY LIE, I always leave the house, go on my route, lie about over half the calls, and Never fake a sig. I do as you did, go to Lowe's/Home Depot, Starbucks, the library etc. The mileage is always there. I mix early sigs with a late sig. I meet my spouse for an occasional movie. I go to functions at school all the time. I never fake an entire day.

In primary care, access is horrible, and getting worse. I have a good friend in oncology that tells me over 80% of ONC's are totally "no-see". I also have a good friend that sells Brilinta, and hospitals are getting worse by the day. One week I figured that I actually worked about 2 hours or so a day, most days less than that.

My DM always leaves after about 2 hours. They are worse than we are. They are also useless, and add NOTHING to the sales process. This person stands there like a total fool, arms crossed, and says virtually nothing. Docs frequently make derogatory comments about this person all the time. This management model, if you can call it a model, has been broken for many, many years.

The ALL DAY LIE will only get worse. I would venture to guess that almost all of AZ reps are addicted to it! It's just the way it is.
Right on -Fuck AZ do only what you have and all the other bullshit for contract reps

Tomorrow, I take the AZ tradition of the ALL DAY LIE to, what I consider to be, the last and final level. I have spent time analyzing my territory, and have come to the conclusion that I can work about 2 hours per day, and still stay under the radar. I have planned all of this very carefully, looking at where I can easily get an early, and an occasional late sig, and have marked different "places" where I can safely spend time away from detection. I have to be very careful about company car mileage too. I really don't think my sales will suffer. Actually, this will improve my morale, and sales may actually increase. Of course, hiding behind counterparts makes this much easier.

Many AZ reps and DM's have become very proficient in practicing the ALL DAY LIE. But don't get too carried away. The "ALL DAY" factor is much too dangerous a game to play. Be smart about it!

Happy New Year to all the good people at AZ! Oh what the hell! Happy New Year to you too Frenchie! Without you, the ALL DAY LIE would not be possible!

Tomorrow, I take the AZ tradition of the ALL DAY LIE to, what I consider to be, the last and final level. I have spent time analyzing my territory, and have come to the conclusion that I can work about 2 hours per day, and still stay under the radar. I have planned all of this very carefully, looking at where I can easily get an early, and an occasional late sig, and have marked different "places" where I can safely spend time away from detection. I have to be very careful about company car mileage too. I really don't think my sales will suffer. Actually, this will improve my morale, and sales may actually increase. Of course, hiding behind counterparts makes this much easier.

Many AZ reps and DM's have become very proficient in practicing the ALL DAY LIE. But don't get too carried away. The "ALL DAY" factor is much too dangerous a game to play. Be smart about it!

Happy New Year to all the good people at AZ! Oh what the hell! Happy New Year to you too Frenchie! Without you, the ALL DAY LIE would not be possible!

Damn, this thing has become SOP at AZ! It's amazing that NOBODY works a full day here anymore! I mean nobody is scared anymore to do it! Yet, sales are still good, so this thing really works and works well! Here's to a great 2016, and the ALL DAY LIE!

What a great way to start off 2016..the ALL DAY LIE! Today, I and my spouse, will go and see The Revenant at 1:10 PM. The iPad will have to be hidden in a purse to get in the movie! Every day this year has been, shall we say, a "short day"!

The ALL DAY LIE is a God send from AZ!

2016 is working out great so far! It's Thursday, and I have averaged about 2 hours each day. Numbers are great too! Just be smart, don't over do it, and keep quiet about your goofing off, and 2016 will be another great year at AZ!

2016 is working out great so far! It's Thursday, and I have averaged about 2 hours each day. Numbers are great too! Just be smart, don't over do it, and keep quiet about your goofing off, and 2016 will be another great year at AZ!

Great advice! I might get in 1 real call today, but who knows. The LIE is working wonderfully well! A friend of mine should win COE that works even less than I do! You gotta admit, AZ is a great place to be!

Who cares!!! Let them check it every 5 minutes! They have nothing else to do anyway! I can promise you that the ALL DAY LIE at AZ is very much alive and well. We are all golden! No layoffs! The pipeline is coming through, and we should all be able to continue our tradition without fear of being caught. Yep, it's nothing but sunshine and rainbows here at Ole' AZ! Old Frenchie is amazing!


Who cares!!! Let them check it every 5 minutes! They have nothing else to do anyway! I can promise you that the ALL DAY LIE at AZ is very much alive and well. We are all golden! No layoffs! The pipeline is coming through, and we should all be able to continue our tradition without fear of being caught. Yep, it's nothing but sunshine and rainbows here at Ole' AZ! Old Frenchie is amazing!

Agree who the hell cares move on and get on with your life. how does the poster know if someone else is looking at CF every day if they are not also doing the same???

Agree who the hell cares move on and get on with your life. how does the poster know if someone else is looking at CF every day if they are not also doing the same???[/QUOTE
Because I am just a peon sales rep. This person is paid a high six figure salary and is supposed to be leading a large sales team not sitting on CP editing daily to protect herself from her own bad reputation. She is despised by her managers and sales reps but obviously doesn't want anyone else to know it. Is it just her huge ego perhaps that she cannot stand the idea of anyone disagreeing with her brilliance?

Great advice! I might get in 1 real call today, but who knows. The LIE is working wonderfully well! A friend of mine should win COE that works even less than I do! You gotta admit, AZ is a great place to be!

I used to feel guilty about working part I don't anymore because it doesn't matter. As for others who complain about the job, company, etc. Please stop. wake up where else are you going to find this kind of gravy train!

I used to feel guilty about working part I don't anymore because it doesn't matter. As for others who complain about the job, company, etc. Please stop. wake up where else are you going to find this kind of gravy train!

You got that right! You will never find a gravy train as good as the AZ Train! For Mon-Wed., I have averaged 2 real calls per day, and the rest were, what I call, "pharma figments of imagination"! You can't help but love this!

You got that right! You will never find a gravy train as good as the AZ Train! For Mon-Wed., I have averaged 2 real calls per day, and the rest were, what I call, "pharma figments of imagination"! You can't help but love this!
Fuck AZ , I broke my ass in 2014 won COE- (commission) sucked by the way -received as shit 2.5 pay raise and did okay in 2015 and got 1.5 they suck ass . I am going back to 3 hour days fuck AZ .

Fuck AZ , I broke my ass in 2014 won COE- (commission) sucked by the way -received as shit 2.5 pay raise and did okay in 2015 and got 1.5 they suck ass . I am going back to 3 hour days fuck AZ .

That's what I am talking about! Fuck these assholes! A 3 hour day is the MAX that I will work. THE MAX! Frenchie can kiss my ass!