Well, next week I plan on setting an ALL DAY LIE AZ record! I will only make 1 real call per day, and the rest lies! I have been planning this for awhile now, and I think it's all worked out. This has begun to be something totally unexpected! We are free to work as little or as much as we want!!!!!!! It's all to wonderful! GO FREENCHIE!

Well, next week I plan on setting an ALL DAY LIE AZ record! I will only make 1 real call per day, and the rest lies! I have been planning this for awhile now, and I think it's all worked out. This has begun to be something totally unexpected! We are free to work as little or as much as we want!!!!!!! It's all to wonderful! GO FREENCHIE!

This would not be a record, not even close. AZ has promoted people who broke this record.

Well, next week I plan on setting an ALL DAY LIE AZ record! I will only make 1 real call per day, and the rest lies! I have been planning this for awhile now, and I think it's all worked out. This has begun to be something totally unexpected! We are free to work as little or as much as we want!!!!!!! It's all to wonderful! GO FREENCHIE!

1 real call a day is above and beyond what the typical rep achieves. If you really want to and have the guts to do an all day lie, then think of five doctors that you can see, see each of them one day a week, and go home. Work long enough to put on your suit and drive over there and walk in.

You won't. You'll be too scared that they (AZ) will track your car and computer (which they can easily do) and bust your ass out of a job.

1 real call a day is above and beyond what the typical rep achieves. If you really want to and have the guts to do an all day lie, then think of five doctors that you can see, see each of them one day a week, and go home. Work long enough to put on your suit and drive over there and walk in.

You won't. You'll be too scared that they (AZ) will track your car and computer (which they can easily do) and bust your ass out of a job.

Track your car and computer you say? I am always amazed at the people that think they GPS track us! They can and do look at where and when you get gas, but only if they suspect you of something. ROUTINE TRACKING DOES NOT AND HAS NEVER TAKEN PLACE! They don't have the time or manpower to set up a KGB style spy program. LOL! What an idiot!

Track your car and computer you say? I am always amazed at the people that think they GPS track us! They can and do look at where and when you get gas, but only if they suspect you of something. ROUTINE TRACKING DOES NOT AND HAS NEVER TAKEN PLACE! They don't have the time or manpower to set up a KGB style spy program. LOL! What an idiot!

The operative word her is CAN. They do have the capability of tracking or tracing your every action and will use it to fire you if your manager decides or someone higher up decides that you need to go. Somewhere in their volumes of company policies lies the one or two that they can use to eliminate you if they choose. Just remember that if someone decides that you need to be fired or let go, H.R. will find or create evidence to make it happen. Nothing can save you, not your overall performance, years of service or previous accomplishments.

Track your car and computer you say? I am always amazed at the people that think they GPS track us! They can and do look at where and when you get gas, but only if they suspect you of something. ROUTINE TRACKING DOES NOT AND HAS NEVER TAKEN PLACE! They don't have the time or manpower to set up a KGB style spy program. LOL! What an idiot!

Trucking companies, UPS, and many others with fleets subcontract the tracking of where their vehicles are to companies that specialize in this kind of thing. UPS trucking and other companies operate on much lower margins than pharmaceutical companies do, and the people trucking companies and UPS tracks make a lot less money than you do.

If you are so sure of yourself (you're not, the only motivation I can see for you posting this is to lure others into slacking off so that you will look better by comparison), then try it. Go ahead and leave your car in your driveway or hidden in your garage for a week and see if they don't find out quickly, like the following month.

Trucking companies, UPS, and many others with fleets subcontract the tracking of where their vehicles are to companies that specialize in this kind of thing. UPS trucking and other companies operate on much lower margins than pharmaceutical companies do, and the people trucking companies and UPS tracks make a lot less money than you do.

If you are so sure of yourself (you're not, the only motivation I can see for you posting this is to lure others into slacking off so that you will look better by comparison), then try it. Go ahead and leave your car in your driveway or hidden in your garage for a week and see if they don't find out quickly, like the following month.

Like the above poster said, if they want to get rid of you they will find plenty of reasons.
The key to surviving at AZ is to never draw attention to yourself. Don't perform so well that you make those above you nervous that you might take their jobs away or get the promotion they want. They are the ones that can and will sic H.R. on you. Don't do anything so poorly or cheat so much that you make your manager look bad. If you are noticed as a poor performer or negative seed then they have to get rid of you or they will be replaced by someone who will.
In summary, just smile, agree with everything that is said, deliver your stupid metrics by lying if necessary and put in enough hours to cover your ass. Do all of this and you might make it 5 or 6 years.

Trucking companies, UPS, and many others with fleets subcontract the tracking of where their vehicles are to companies that specialize in this kind of thing. UPS trucking and other companies operate on much lower margins than pharmaceutical companies do, and the people trucking companies and UPS tracks make a lot less money than you do.

If you are so sure of yourself (you're not, the only motivation I can see for you posting this is to lure others into slacking off so that you will look better by comparison), then try it. Go ahead and leave your car in your driveway or hidden in your garage for a week and see if they don't find out quickly, like the following month.

AZ, nor any other pharma company uses GPS to track a damn thing. Without revealing how I know, I can say with authority, it doesn't happen.

AZ, nor any other pharma company uses GPS to track a damn thing. Without revealing how I know, I can say with authority, it doesn't happen.
They don't need it to get rid of anyone they wish. Hell, they could find the CEO guilty of violating any number of their volumes of rules and policies if they wished to be rid of him. Human Resources is very skilled at uncovering or creating evidence and you have no recourse except to sue the company for discrimination or wrongful termination. And if you do then they will eventually pay you off if you can endure them dragging it out in court for years.

Like the above poster said, if they want to get rid of you they will find plenty of reasons.
The key to surviving at AZ is to never draw attention to yourself. Don't perform so well that you make those above you nervous that you might take their jobs away or get the promotion they want. They are the ones that can and will sic H.R. on you. Don't do anything so poorly or cheat so much that you make your manager look bad. If you are noticed as a poor performer or negative seed then they have to get rid of you or they will be replaced by someone who will.
In summary, just smile, agree with everything that is said, deliver your stupid metrics by lying if necessary and put in enough hours to cover your ass. Do all of this and you might make it 5 or 6 years.

One sure way to draw attention to yourself is to flatly defy your basic job function and sit at home collecting a paycheck for nothing. There are plenty of vacant territories that are well over plan. It has been that way for years.

Instead of changing the subject, respond: Do you actually have the guts to leave your car and computer in the same location for more than two hours during working hours? How about a week of that? Think that might get on the radar? Do you have the guts to do more than try to incite others to do it?

I doubt it. I'd bet any amount of money 10:1 that you and every all day liar here is full of it or else fired within two months of trying this shit for even a week.

One sure way to draw attention to yourself is to flatly defy your basic job function and sit at home collecting a paycheck for nothing. There are plenty of vacant territories that are well over plan. It has been that way for years.

Instead of changing the subject, respond: Do you actually have the guts to leave your car and computer in the same location for more than two hours during working hours? How about a week of that? Think that might get on the radar? Do you have the guts to do more than try to incite others to do it?

I doubt it. I'd bet any amount of money 10:1 that you and every all day liar here is full of it or else fired within two months of trying this shit for even a week.

If this is the only way you have to beat the AZ system, then you are basically dumb. I know many people that haven't worked a full day/week in years, including myself. You just need to be a little more smart about it than what you have outlined above. It's not BS. Just don't go overboard with anything you do.

If this is the only way you have to beat the AZ system, then you are basically dumb. I know many people that haven't worked a full day/week in years, including myself. You just need to be a little more smart about it than what you have outlined above. It's not BS. Just don't go overboard with anything you do.

Just don't try to shine above the rest of the crowd. People in the mediocre middle are the ones that last the longest at AZ.

They do not track anything. Nothing. They are so stupid.

so stupid.

you may get a lonely manager who has nothing better to do who checks your schedule...then youre fuct.

otherwise grab onto the old poop shoot kids and start suckin

For 2016, I am even more committed to the ALL DAY LIE"!! I LOVE IT! I can't stop even if I wanted to! I am addicted to my 3 to 4 hour work day! I have really tried to work a full day, and I am physically unable to do it. So, I just give up and have accepted and embraced the ALL DAY LIE!!

3-4 hours! at first I read it as Per week, But per Day! really 3-4 hours per day is easy, and really guilt free and is the most you probably need to grab a few sample calls, stop in for lunch after having it delivered and driving past another office on way home for one more call...that's just a 10 to 2 day most reps live, not living a lie but just living it

3-4 hours! at first I read it as Per week, But per Day! really 3-4 hours per day is easy, and really guilt free and is the most you probably need to grab a few sample calls, stop in for lunch after having it delivered and driving past another office on way home for one more call...that's just a 10 to 2 day most reps live, not living a lie but just living it

Yep, you got it right. It's now SOP to work only a few hours per day. I can do what I need to, and lie about the rest, and be home by 2:30. I have it down to a science. It's just the way it is these days.