Thanks to Trumps failure with covid we get layoffs

You wanna place blame? Blame Senior leadership, or lack thereof.
Trump has zero effect on layoffs.
Geez, research a little on economics and what makes companies thrive, even in pandemics.
Most of the time, it goes back to poor practices over time.
And they look to pandemics as a timely excuse to cover their mistakes.

The Bob Woodward Interview...”Bob this thing if it hits you, you’re gone!!! Way worse than flu! It’s bad man!!”

in public, “masks are stupid, it’s the sniffles!”


Will the nay sayers give up their 401K advances under Trump ?


Waiting the responses.

Again, look at facts. The Dow rose about 11k points under Obama from it's recession low. Your 401k has been steadily increasing since mid 2010. The Obama stock market set several record highs as it rose consistently to about 18k. The only difference is that Obama did not see fit to go out there every day and claim that hes the greatest ever because of it, which is why you seem to be operating in a world where you don't even realize these facts. This shameless self promoter Trump does nothing but latch onto the trend that started 6.5 years before he stepped into office and you simply accept what he says as facts. Again, spend some time looking at real data and facts vs a habitual liar whose whole career and fame is nothing but a history of false, misleading self promotion.

Also, wake the f up and realize that it's only the top 20 percent in our country enjoying 401ks and investments. The average American white, black or whatever does not feel the benefits of market growth. Look at wage growth, not just during Trump, but even well beyond that. Wage growth for those not enjoying our cushy lifestyles is far from improving. Get your head out of your elitist a$$

Looks like the graph from the Dept. of Labor didn’t load. You can look it up to see the data.

Wage growth started to pick up in the US as we neared full employment, but major disparities still exist, as the growth is primarily driven by higher income earners. Pew does a nice job summarizing these dynamics. Look up Pew trends in income and wealth inequality.

I had a post that went against this anti-Trump narrative. No foul language, just facts and figures and the gestapo at Cafepharma decided to censor it much like FB, Twitter and YT. The irony of calling Trump a nazi when Nazi tactics are used daily by the left.

Trump can bully his republican cult members but he couldn’t bully Pfizer. The CEO put Trump in his place. How embarrassing and shameful the LOSER in Chief is to real Americans.

Trump and his cabal of rabid cult members have officially destroyed this country. No coming back from this. We are officially a banana republic and a sh$$hole country. USA sinking fast.

He losses again. Supreme Court says NO way will you get another 4 more years. Are you MAGA cult members tired of losing yet???? Ha ha ha ha another loss.
Did you not see what happened in the House and Senate? Even Sleepy today it was an absolute ass kicking by the Republicans over the Duncecrats. Worst election in decades for Antsy and Chucky - HA -HaHa

You mean 60 million morons and 20 million fake votes?

Stop doing this $hi#. The Republicans have done everything to try to disinfranchise voters, particularly black and brown voters and now when they lose they want us to believe that they care about the sanctity of vote. You have a career liar proofing up a false narrative about why he lost. Instead of standing up to this fool you all go along like lemmings and sign onto his lies. He lost. He lost fairly. He list because people had accessibility to vote. Stop all these dangerous lies about why he lost, man/woman up and face facts. Face the fact that you sold out all of your morals and aligned yourselves to a lying cool that does not care about you at all. You were duped and the fool lost. Get over it and move on.

Did you not see what happened in the House and Senate? Even Sleepy today it was an absolute ass kicking by the Republicans over the Duncecrats. Worst election in decades for Antsy and Chucky - HA -HaHa

Not sure you know your history. Both Obama and Trump saw huge midyear swings in the house significantly greater than what happened now. There are countless other examples in recent and longer term history. In this election, the Dems lost much more than the xpected, as they were expected to pick up seats, but to characterize as you do is just ridiculous. They still have a majority and for the most part lost seats in districts they just barely won last time out. Plus, the Senate is still open, with the Dems still picking up net seats overall. Let's live in reality here.

Not sure you know your history. Both Obama and Trump saw huge midyear swings in the house significantly greater than what happened now. There are countless other examples in recent and longer term history. In this election, the Dems lost much more than the xpected, as they were expected to pick up seats, but to characterize as you do is just ridiculous. They still have a majority and for the most part lost seats in districts they just barely won last time out. Plus, the Senate is still open, with the Dems still picking up net seats overall. Let's live in reality here.
Live in Arizona. My entire neighborhood was filled with “Republican for Biden” signs. You don’t screw with our ex senator and get elected in this state. Ex Republican here and will vote for a dog before I ever vote for another Republican. The Democrats now own the “moral majority” now. The Trump evangelical republicans have totally lost their moral high ground. Enough already!!! Do they now agree with Nazi’s ??? We fought that war and I thought democracy won but now not so sure.