Thanks to Trumps failure with covid we get layoffs

I hoped you would touch on this - the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.
“The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), enacted in 1977, requires the Federal Reserve and other federal banking regulators to encourage financial institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they do business, including low- and moderate-income (LMI) neighborhoods.” This was the genesis of the housing crash in the 2000s. No administration from Reagan on took the necessary steps to reign this in. We have a name for people who can’t afford to buy a home; they are called renters.
Read “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis. Or watch the movie. Describes the entire fiasco. Started by repeal of Glass-Steegall act which led to lenders being able to lend money to any idiot -I recall a conversation with one of my providers that ‘he knew things were screwed up when his cleaning lady bought a house for $600,000”. Pretty much sums it up. Both Dems and Repugs responsible but it did happen under Bush’s watch so the buck stops there.

Read “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis. Or watch the movie. Describes the entire fiasco. Started by repeal of Glass-Steegall act which led to lenders being able to lend money to any idiot -I recall a conversation with one of my providers that ‘he knew things were screwed up when his cleaning lady bought a house for $600,000”. Pretty much sums it up. Both Dems and Repugs responsible but it did happen under Bush’s watch so the buck stops there.

The “buck” could have stopped during every administration from Reagan to Bush (including Barry O). At what point would someone think a person making $20,000 a year could afford a $200,000 home? Still doesn’t make sense.

The “buck” could have stopped during every administration from Reagan to Bush (including Barry O). At what point would someone think a person making $20,000 a year could afford a $200,000 home? Still doesn’t make sense.
The buck could not stop with Barry O—crash happened in Sept 2008 before he was elected Einstein.

Many of us wish wish we voted for Hillary now. Today We have 500 more reasons we wish she won. I didn’t vote for sleepy joe but I’m now glad he won. Gross incompetence from the worst President in history got us in this position. I’m not not drinking the cool-aid anymore.

What the heck is cool aid?

This is such a sad thread but a perfect example of what’s going on in America today. Heck you two could be teammates in the same region that talk on the phone daily but don’t discuss politics. Trump has been a virus, I look forward to his irrelevance.

Moron? Unicorns? Again, look at the data. The Obama adminnled to consistent GDP growth of about 2% and consistent job gains of about 230k per month for his final 6.5 years, turning around from the recession he inherited. GDP growth was positive, but slower than we all hoped, but this began to accelerate when we reached full employment rates.

Trump's economy enjoyed a higher level of GDP growth, after inheriting an unemployment rate closer to full employment, but saw slower job growth with monthly averages near 200k (lower than the 230k average under Obama) before the pandemic. The same with wage disparities between the haves and have nots Spending levels have increased significantly under Trump, pushing our deficit to record levels. This is the record before the pandemic. Layering in his bumbling of the pandemic is a whole other story.

Instead of responding that us "morons" should just deal with your "alternative facts", spend 30 mins on a real, non-partisan government site to see what the data really says about our economy. I know that you'll never admit to being wrong, but I just pray that folks like you wake up to reality one day.


Will the nay sayers give up their 401K advances under Trump ?


Waiting the responses.

This is such a sad thread but a perfect example of what’s going on in America today. Heck you two could be teammates in the same region that talk on the phone daily but don’t discuss politics. Trump has been a virus, I look forward to his irrelevance.

"Trump has been a virus "...
Guess AZ doesn't have an intelligence test to get hired.

How fast can Sleepy get all of us the free stuff he promised us on the campaign? I DESERVE it now!

Remind us what he promised? You don’t even know, keep watching Newsmax and FoxNews and regurgitating their talking points. You have been brainwashed. Now you can debate everyone in your life about “hypotheticals” you read about on Facebook. What’s that? Oh he’s coming for your guns!! Hilarious

This is such a sad thread but a perfect example of what’s going on in America today. Heck you two could be teammates in the same region that talk on the phone daily but don’t discuss politics. Trump has been a virus, I look forward to his irrelevance.

I was never surprised or shocked. I don’t like these people and I don’t trust them. Coworkers are not your friends but enemies who will stab you in the back any second they get. More layoffs early next year. Jobs are on the line. Do not trust your manager or counterparts.

You wanna place blame? Blame Senior leadership, or lack thereof.
Trump has zero effect on layoffs.
Geez, research a little on economics and what makes companies thrive, even in pandemics.
Most of the time, it goes back to poor practices over time.
And they look to pandemics as a timely excuse to cover their mistakes.