Tenured reps

That is exactly right. When I started my quota was under 10,000. At 2 1/2 years, I was at plan. As I'm approaching my third year it is tough, my quota is almost at 100,000 per month. I've done an incredible job, but you can only run a racehorse so hard. Time to move on and get paid properly for the value I bring and stop running after a finish line that constantly moving 10 steps ahead of me.

Sounds like a cowards way out to me. Zoll warriors don't give up Sally!! Man up or step aside because Zoll has experienced cardiac people lining up to replace you.

That is exactly right. When I started my quota was under 10,000. At 2 1/2 years, I was at plan. As I'm approaching my third year it is tough, my quota is almost at 100,000 per month. I've done an incredible job, but you can only run a racehorse so hard. Time to move on and get paid properly for the value I bring and stop running after a finish line that constantly moving 10 steps ahead of me.

YES. And meanwhile, our time is wasted with constant inefficiency, PSR problems due to poor treatment by DR, and a slow broken system run by people with insufficient experience for their span of responsibility. This is a perfect storm. I have to get out.

YES. And meanwhile, our time is wasted with constant inefficiency, PSR problems due to poor treatment by DR, and a slow broken system run by people with insufficient experience for their span of responsibility. This is a perfect storm. I have to get out.

Cowards can't compete in the Zoll game. Even physicians tip their hats to true Zoll salesman because they know they could not live a day in the Zoll world. Up early and out late only to rinse, repeat and sell more Zoll. I would like to give anyone a smack who disrespects these warriors.

Sounds like a cowards way out to me. Zoll warriors don't give up Sally!! Man up or step aside because Zoll has experienced cardiac people lining up to replace you.

Are you kidding me? Experienced cardiac people are lining up to replace anybody at this company? Is that why wekeep hiring useless laid off or about to be laid off pharmaceutical reps that have no relationships and no access? Is that the experiencedcardiac reps you're referring to? This place is such a joke

Cowards can't compete in the Zoll game. Even physicians tip their hats to true Zoll salesman because they know they could not live a day in the Zoll world. Up early and out late only to rinse, repeat and sell more Zoll. I would like to give anyone a smack who disrespects these warriors.

to whoever typed the above quote. you say physicians tip their hats to zoll reps? LOL ,what a joke, they pity us and view us a s non credible people who lie and sell with no evidence based medicine or outcomes. and you say " we are warriors"? dude, you are drinking more red corporate kool aid than any person I have witnessed in my entire 20 + years in medical sales. You are a perfect example of the stupid leadership here from the top all the way down to the RM level. pathetic to say the least. loser central at this place. I am fighting tooth and nail to get out, as I was lied to which lead to me accepting the job here. NO reputable company that does not have ENORMOUS issues has the turnover this place has, and that is just simply a fact.