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Tally of how many going to Bayer?

Well our products don’t sell themselves dipshit. And if we could think for ourselves and not be directed by the idiots on the brand team then we would have successful launches. This company misguides the sales force every single time. We the force, then have to make up for lost ground once we see how we actually need to sell the products.
You're an over-educated waiter, dumb ass. You don't sell. You repeat a marketing message that is given to you by the brand, all while delivering meals and snacks.

Sure. That’s it. It couldn’t be a dwindling pipeline, massive cuts into insulin profits, and biosimilar competition. It must be your self-serving belief that you’re super good and the company falls apart without you. Whatever, dude. I’m not sure why you feel like you’re so much better than the 25 people lined up to take your job if you leave, but more power to you. I love that ego!
Because I have the results to prove it and I don’t have such a low sense of self worth that I anonymously troll people on CP.

It’s pathetic how little you think of yourself that you think the company is doing you a favor in keeping you employed (maybe they are).

Because I have the results to prove it and I don’t have such a low sense of self worth that I anonymously troll people on CP.

It’s pathetic how little you think of yourself that you think the company is doing you a favor in keeping you employed (maybe they are).

No one is trolling you, man. If you feel like attacking me because I pointed out something that is very true and doesn’t fit your narrative, then go to town. I really don’t put much worth on what the CP folks think of me. And, I think I’m good at my job, but I also know there are other people who can also do it. I’m not vain enough to think I’ve somehow cornered the pharma rep market.

And, your IC results aside, which really have nothing to do with any part of the conversation we’re having, NNI performance trails many in pharma because of the reasons I mentioned - lack of new products, deep cuts into insulin profit, and biosimilars. I know you think it’s because your buddy left, but I just disagree.

This troll isn’t a dbm. If it were a dbm they’d already know the line of 25 people wanting to backfill positions is full of mosquito control and carpet cleaning sales people.
No rep of any quality would leave a good job to come here. The talent drain will hurt

This troll isn’t a dbm. If it were a dbm they’d already know the line of 25 people wanting to backfill positions is full of mosquito control and carpet cleaning sales people.
No rep of any quality would leave a good job to come here. The talent drain will hurt
At least those people sell. They don't spend part of their day ordering and delivering food/coffee.

At least those people sell. They don't spend part of their day ordering and delivering food/coffee.
It takes me all of 5 minutes to order and I get it delivered. Guess what? It gives you more time with the office which in turn helps you SELL. Clearly you don’t know the first thing about sales. If you think all we do all day is cater, you’re sadly mistaken, troll.

It takes me all of 5 minutes to order and I get it delivered. Guess what? It gives you more time with the office which in turn helps you SELL. Clearly you don’t know the first thing about sales. If you think all we do all day is cater, you’re sadly mistaken, troll.
GTFOH. The pharm rep's job duties are well known in this industry. You aren't convincing anyone that your practitioners, with more than double your level of education, see you as a resource on how they should treat their patients. You’re sadly mistaken, dumb ass. You promote, not sell.

GTFOH. The pharm rep's job duties are well known in this industry. You aren't convincing anyone that your practitioners, with more than double your level of education, see you as a resource on how they should treat their patients. You’re sadly mistaken, dumb ass. You promote, not sell.

Troll. Move on. Your schtick is boring.

GTFOH. The pharm rep's job duties are well known in this industry. You aren't convincing anyone that your practitioners, with more than double your level of education, see you as a resource on how they should treat their patients. You’re sadly mistaken, dumb ass. You promote, not sell.
You are such a turd. Well regardless of how the script gets written on behalf of me and what I do to influence that change of habit...it’s still because of what I do. So go scratch balls and move on. Bottom line is that with less
Share of voice, scripts are gonna suffer.

HO troll or that fool who posts about WI all the time.
Bottom feeders always looking up from the bottom of the toilet bowl trying to equate your skills and efforts with theirs and say it’s luck that you’ve had success.
Obvious loser

It really is. Clearly NNI is just paying us out of the goodness of their hearts. Makes sense.
Wrong, moron. We pay you because you are a walking billboard! You're cheaper than paying for airtime, ad space, etc. Unfortunately for you, you're too stupid to know how the game works. You, state school, idiots are the best.

Wrong, moron. We pay you because you are a walking billboard! You're cheaper than paying for airtime, ad space, etc. Unfortunately for you, you're too stupid to know how the game works. You, state school, idiots are the best.
What an absolutely ignorant moron you are. You need to check yourself. Obviously you’re an RBD looking for some job justification