TAKEDA Sidelining VAX Exempted Employees!

you are the deplorable. look, I am a Republican and I detest liberals, but there are no scientific, data driven or religious reasons not to get vaccinated against Covid for most people. the ONLY reasons are political.

I'm a conservative, but your completely wrong. Use your brain, It's SAFETY!!! There are serious unanswered long term safety questions, and thus far only 9 months of existing safety data! You do get that right? The level of idiotic foolishness on this site is breathtaking.

I'm a conservative, but your completely wrong. Use your brain, It's SAFETY!!! There are serious unanswered long term safety questions, and thus far only 9 months of existing safety data! You do get that right? The level of idiotic foolishness on this site is breathtaking.

go get your freakin shot

Those of you who think the jab is so unsafe are lying to yourself and are hypocrites to the fullest extent of the definition.really are just a group of the dumb smart people crying for attention pretending to be righteous.Point in case: vaccines always have and always will work.it’s why we don’t have measles, hepatitis and polio.you get the flu shot without crying out loud.i rest my case pointing out that the mislabeled food you eat(fattest/sickest country in the world), cellphone on your ear(everyone’s addicted), company car with satellite radio(spoiled POS don’t deserve it), microwaved plastic food all day (poor children eating processed plastic food cause you suck and McDonalds let’s you pretend to be a good parent serving shit 24 hours a day) and baby powder on your chapped asshole all are cancer-causing radioactive luxuries.you are too fucking brainwashed to see the big picture. shut up get over yourself quit bitching.you are making Americans look as dumb as the world thinks we are. Dumb smart people

My guess is that every anti-vaxer, while driving to work, drove on the right hand side of the road. Why? Because there is safety in unity. Sure, it took away your freedoms to drive how ever you like, but its safer for the greater number if everyone drives on the right side of the road.

I'd also guess that they and their children are vaccinated against diseases. Thankfully for them, Fox News did not exist when their parents first learned of the polio vaccine. Otherwise they would be dead.

Stop arguing with these Big Lie types. Their orange bunker boy lost and that's what they are mad at. Nothing more. Nothing less.


They'll come in line. Every single one of them. Because they are frauds.

Those of you who think the jab is so unsafe are lying to yourself and are hypocrites to the fullest extent of the definition.really are just a group of the dumb smart people crying for attention pretending to be righteous.Point in case: vaccines always have and always will work.it’s why we don’t have measles, hepatitis and polio.you get the flu shot without crying out loud.i rest my case pointing out that the mislabeled food you eat(fattest/sickest country in the world), cellphone on your ear(everyone’s addicted), company car with satellite radio(spoiled POS don’t deserve it), microwaved plastic food all day (poor children eating processed plastic food cause you suck and McDonalds let’s you pretend to be a good parent serving shit 24 hours a day) and baby powder on your chapped asshole all are cancer-causing radioactive luxuries.you are too fucking brainwashed to see the big picture. shut up get over yourself quit bitching.you are making Americans look as dumb as the world thinks we are. Dumb smart people
Now Takeda medical and equality has to chime in. Why do you always ruin everything

My guess is that every anti-vaxer, while driving to work, drove on the right hand side of the road. Why? Because there is safety in unity. Sure, it took away your freedoms to drive how ever you like, but its safer for the greater number if everyone drives on the right side of the road.

I'd also guess that they and their children are vaccinated against diseases. Thankfully for them, Fox News did not exist when their parents first learned of the polio vaccine. Otherwise they would be dead.

Stop arguing with these Big Lie types. Their orange bunker boy lost and that's what they are mad at. Nothing more. Nothing less.


They'll come in line. Every single one of them. Because they are frauds.
Is this HR responding?

My guess is that every anti-vaxer, while driving to work, drove on the right hand side of the road. Why? Because there is safety in unity. Sure, it took away your freedoms to drive how ever you like, but its safer for the greater number if everyone drives on the right side of the road.

I'd also guess that they and their children are vaccinated against diseases. Thankfully for them, Fox News did not exist when their parents first learned of the polio vaccine. Otherwise they would be dead.

Stop arguing with these Big Lie types. Their orange bunker boy lost and that's what they are mad at. Nothing more. Nothing less.


They'll come in line. Every single one of them. Because they are frauds.
Is this HR writing this?

No you aren't. You are a deplorable waste of space

I'm a conservative, but your completely wrong. Use your brain, It's SAFETY!!! There are serious unanswered long term safety questions, and thus far only 9 months of existing safety data! You do get that right? The level of idiotic foolishness on this site is breathtaking.

Takeda following playbook of woke companies that approve vaccine exemptions. Seems that many companies allow a select few an exemption, but basically put those employees in the penalty box. United Airlines is a clear example. They granted many pilots exemptions, but those pilots were not allowed to resume anything close to their normal workload - it was so egregious many of them moved on. What is Takeda's long term plan for vaccine exempted employees? Will they be allowed to continue working in the field as they are right now with twice weekly testing? Does Takeda really want to keep these employees? Is Takeda planning to ultimately sever these employees? Your rights as an American are evaporating before your eyes.

Many important questions in this post for those awaiting, or who already have an exemption.

Takeda shame on you. You are abandoning employees with your retarded jab mandate. People that have done well for this company. They mean jackshit to you. Stop preaching your dei bullshit. No one cares. You don't put your money where your mouth is. I would have typed this and sent it in but I can't expense ink. Shove you vax up your ass with Swiss cheese layers dilbert boy.
Did you have to spit out your maga sized pacifier to write this? Grow up and move on cry baby!!

Really? Is that what you believe? What a baseless sack of shit. Should we let all the terminally ill die from cancer because they load up hospital beds? How about the obese sacks of shit that are a drain on society? The problem with you people is that you have no principles. You never had principles or fought for them because it's easier to bend over and give in. This is about sovereignty over one's body. Not about a vax. I feel bad for how f'ing stupid you are.
So you must be FOR Womens Rights to dominion over their bodies too!! Thank you kindly for that!!
You’re still an unemployed ex-Takeda though!